Where Am I/Who are you part 2

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"Hey Ranz, have you try calling Krystal. To see what's taking her so long," Yoona ask. Getting worried. "I did have call her/message her so many times, but she's not answering her phone," Ranz said. "Ranz, I'm hungry," Ranz little sister said. "I know you are hungry, just try to find something to eat for now. Okay little sis," Ranz said. "Okay big brother," Ranz little sister said. Going off to find something to eat. "Yoseob get your jacket," Ranz said. "Why?," Yoseob ask. "You are gonna help me find Krystal," Ranz said. "Can you take care of my little sis and the others?," Ranz ask. "Yeah I will take care of them," Yoona said. "Thanks Yoona," Ranz said.

Off they go...

"So which way should shall we go Ranz," Yoseob said. "Um. Let me see.... I know," Ranz said. "What? Let's go ask that person at the cashier register and see if they know where she could have head off to," Ranz said.

Got to the store.

"Um. Excuse me," Ranz said. "Yes what you need," the cashier said. "Have you seen this person awhile ago," Ranz said.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket. Showing a picture of Krystal on his phone.

"Hmm. Oh yes, I have seen her. I remember that I had saw her buying some ingredients and stuff," the cashier said. "Do you know which way, she went?," Ranz ask. "Sorry, but I don't know where she had went," the cashier said. "Oh, well okay then," Ranz said. "Is there anything else that I can help you two boys," the cashier ask. "Ah no thanks. But thanks though," Ranz said. "Well okay then," the cashier said.

"Now what, Ranz?," Yoseob said. "I am not sure what to do now Yoseob," Ranz said. Getting all sad. "Well should we keep asking other people, who had might know where she is," Yoseob said. "Okay Yoseob, you go that way and I go this way. So that it can be easier because we can ask two people at a time instead of going one by one. Okay," Ranz said. "Okay Ranz," Yoseob said. "But wait where should we meet up, after we have finish asking people?," Yoseob ask. "Um, we can meet up here. At the same spot where we are standing next to the store," Ranz said. "Ok," Yoseob said. And off they go on there two separate ways finding Krystal.

Now let's see what Krystal is doing.

"Where am I," Krystal said. And why is everyone running inside there houses. Which someone had pull Krystal and had cover her mouth. "Hey!! Let me go!," Krystal said. "Be quiet or someone is gonna see us," the guy said.

Which there were these bunch of bad guys walking down the neighborhood and was doing something. After they had left, the person who had told her to be quiet, had let go.

"Hey! What was that for," Krystal said. "You don't remember me Krystal," the guy said. "Wait what?," Krystal said. "It's me Zelo, your best friend since we were little kids," Zelo said. Taking his mask off. "Oh now I remember you. My parents and your parents use to make us play with each other and thought that we will be the perfect couple. That was some good times," Krystal said. "Well we better go now, so that we won't get caught," Zelo said. "Why is everyone running inside there houses and who are those bad guys Zelo?," Krystal ask. "They are only running from those bad guys because they are not nice, they usually take peoples stuff and be mean to those poor children's," Zelo said. Pulling Krystal to somewhere else.

Finally we are here. Zelo had then open the door.

"Wow, what a nice home you have here," Krystal said. "Who is this girl Zelo?," his mom ask. "Oh I almost forgot, mom and dad. This is Krystal and Krystal this is my mom and my dad. You remember them and you to mom and dad," Zelo said. "Nice to meet again Zelo's mom and dad," Krystal said. "Wait a minute are you really Krystal Krystal?," his mom ask. "Yes I am Krystal," Krystal said. "Oh my god, how are you and tell me about your parents," Zelo mom said. "Are they fine too or what? You know what, why don't you have a seat. While I make you some cookies and some hot chocolate," Zelo mom said.

And now let's see what Ranz and Yoseob is doing.

"Did you find anything Yoseob?," Ranz ask. "Nope, how about you?," Yoseob ask. "Me either. Where can she even be thought," Ranz said. Thinking. "Come on Ranz let's just go home. We will start looking for her more tomorrow. Besides its already getting dark," Yoseob said. "Okay Yoseob," Ranz said. "Now let's go home," Yoseob said. "Yoona! Ranz and Yoseob is home," Ranz little sister said. "Where's Krystal," Yoona said. Ranz was shaking his head and which he had slowly walk to his room. "Yoseob, where's Krystal?," Yoona ask. "We couldn't find her and we even look everywhere for her. And here we even bought some food to eat," Yoseob said. "So what now, what about Krystal," Ranz little sister said. "Well, we just gonna have to keep finding her tomorrow. No matter what happens, we need to do this for Ranz," Yoseob said.

Now let's go back to Krystal.

"So Krystal, aren't you suppose to be at the Philippines?," Zelo mom said. "I am, but we are on a world tour," Krystal said. "What you mean we," Zelo said. "What I mean was that my boyfriend Ranz who is a singer and is in a group called Chicser. Is on a world tour with me, and his little sister. With his best friend and my best friend too," Krystal said. "Oh okay. But where is the others?," Zelo's dad ask. "Well you see here, I was going to the store to get the ingredients and which after that. It had started to rain and which I ran to this bus stop, but the next thing you know. Somebody had grab me, but luckily I had kick that person on the stomach and I had ran as fast as I can to get away from that person. And then I got lost and I didn't really know where to go. And suddenly, I have ended up here. But I'm glad that Zelo was here to save me. If he wasn't here, something would had happen to me," Krystal said. "Well we are welcome to have you here and why don't you go clean yourself up and you don't mind sharing a room with Zelo? It's fine with me. Here you go Krystal. You can borrow some of my sleeping cloths," Zelo said. "Thanks," Krystal said.

Right after Krystal had finish taking a shower. "Um. So where do I sleep?," Krystal ask. "You can sleep on my bed," Zelo said. "What about you Zelo?," Krystal ask. "I will just sleep on my sleeping bag," Zelo said. "Are you sure because it doesn't look comfortable to me," Krystal said. "It's fine Krystal, just go to sleep," Zelo said. "Well okay then," Krystal said. Which everyone had slowly fallen asleep.

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