Chapter 30

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My cat~

Maxime P.O.V

A few days later, while I was puking my guts out, I heard loud sounds, like wings  flapping. I was currently emptying my stomach above the toilet with my mate holding my hair as to not let them touch the vomit. It started the day before yesterday and since then, I would puke every mornings and each times I smelled greasy food. We had a feeling we knew why I was like this and the doctor confirmed it, I was officially pregnant. At this moment until now, James didn't drop the big goofy smile he had on his face that made me want to punch him, even though it made me hide my blushing face which I would never tell him about. He would surely tease me about it if he saw me like that and I had my dignity to preserve, so no.

Even though I didn't show it, I was more than happy to have a baby in my belly. It had always been my dream to have children. If it was someone else than my non-expressive self, they would have a huge smile on their face, but here I was with no smile on. I really hoped that James would understand that I was happy about bearing his babies…

"Don't worry, I know. Your eyes are sparklier since we learnt about the baby and I know that you were worrying just now that I would think that you are unhappy about being pregnant, because your eyebrows were slightly furrowed. I love you Max and I can read you like an open book now." My awesome mate said with a small smile and soft eyes. I instantly relaxed and my puking finally stopped. He helped me get up and guided me to the sink where he gave me a toothbrush and a glass of water to help me get rid of the awful taste of vomit in my mouth. After washing the taste off, we went back to the room where we changed in another set of clothes because we were in my pajamas and we didn't really want to meet the nearly arrived dragons in those. The sound of wings I heard while I was puking was from the arrival of the dragons, we could even see them from our window. There were nearly twenty fucking huge lizards seating in our backyard. What a sight…

After dressing ourselves in proper clothes, because honestly our pajamas consisted of only boxers for James and sweatpants for me, we went to join the dragons who were discussing with Alex through a dragon that switched to his human form. Seeing us coming, Alex waved at us and when we were by his side he presented us to the big lizards.

"This is James, my beta, and this is his pregnant mate, Maxime, he was the one that informed us of the hunters and their dogs near here. Like we said a few minutes ago, our plan will be to find them before they found us. We will use the olfaction of the dragons to search for them, which wouldn't be too hard or long because the hunters and their dogs heavily smell of blood and gunpowder. Then, with the accord of the nearby packs, the dragon will burn the forest down where the hunters are and we will wait in circle around them to kill anyone that escape." Alexander said with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear in the backyard and mansion. After he finished talking, the werewolves around us that were from our pack and also the packs around cheered and howled while the dragons roared. I put my fingers in my ears to block the noise, because it hurt. I really wasn't accustomed to have so many people around me and so many noises at the same time. I was feeling as if my eardrums were going to explode and my head hurt like hell. Feeling my pain, my mate took me in his arms in a bridal carry and took me back to our room in the mansion. 

With Alex, we decided that James and me wouldn't participate in the fight. First, because I was pregnant and we couldn't, I wouldn't, risk losing my baby and second because Alex needed to go as the Alpha, so they needed someone with a similar status to stay here and look over the pack while he was gone. Third, if something bad happened to Alexander then James could take care of the pack like he did. Finally, James was still a little weak from his injury so it was better if he stay here to make sure he recover entirely. We watched by the window as the dragon that was talking in human form changed into his dragon one and our Alpha climbed on his back while the other werewolves proceeded to do the same with the other dragons. There weren't enough dragons for everyone, so it was normal to have more than three of our comrades on the back of the lizards. Alex looked back at us and waved at us, we did the same and watched in amazement as the dragon he was on flapped his wings and fly far way, with the other dragons doing the same and going in other directions. When a dragon would find the hunters, he would tell the other with the mindlink they had together, like us werewolves, and then the others would come join him.

I smiled, thinking of our future, only for a wave of dizziness to hit me and the need to throw up amplified. Cursing at my stomach, I ran to the bathroom with my mate on my heels and emptied the content of my stomach in the toilet. Pregnancy really wasn't easy…

Hey dear readers, this story is slowly coming to an end! I think there are still two or three chapters left, depending on the length, and an epilogue. After, I will do Elijah's book and then I will do a stand alone for Bart I think.

Let me know what you think of it!

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See ya next update~😉

(966 words)

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