12 9 1

Hold on
I implore you
For me
Never let go...

Let me see the white of your knuckles,
as your skin contorts,
as your grasp tightens,
as your whole body clenches in determination.

I can see your strength,
I see it daily,
I just wish you should see it too -

you look into my eyes,
I look into yours.
It was the current that led me to you...

You never let me sink;
I won't let you.

Rain bashes against the window,
Reminding me of when we first met...

You were walking down the street
You remember don't you?
Of course you do.

Soaked by the rain,
Your make up running down your face,
When lightening struck and the turmoil in your eyes was clear,
All I wanted was to ask if you were okay -

you weren't then;
you aren't now.

But soon it'll be over -
and two will become three.

Your grasp on my hand becomes painful,
but it allows me to support you.
Soon your cries are joined by another's:
our child's.

And it was all worth it.
I can tell,
Seeing the smile on your face,
as you cradle our child to your chest.

This moment,
I hold close to my heart
I will never let go

And that's a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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