Chapter 11: Good Times Bad Times

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Yesterday, I called Reva and told her about everything that happened except for the drama between Shaurya and me. It shook me from the core. Of all the horrible things I have heard in my life, this was one of them. I mean she was planning to get me kicked out of school? Has she been faking our friendship for the past 5 years?

At least, I knew her now. Better late than never! All thanks to Shaurya. I have so many trust issues after this that I asked Reva if she hated me too. Thankfully, she didn't. She swore to me.

I summed up some courage and told her about Shaurya and me that I was really into him, I didn't know this would work. I had to be sure. I was afraid to give this a shot. I didn't know what to do next.

"Sex!" She said jokingly.

I sat back relaxing and thinking. Weird thoughts started occupying my head. What if Shaurya had all this planned with her? What if it wasn't exactly her fault? Look, I mean judging from all his activities he wasn't exactly a saint.

I was being delusional. It is what it is. Sonali broke my heart in a snap.

I sighed. I also realised that tomorrow is the last day of the session. We have a summer break after that. Where'd the time go?

Next day at school, Reva lighted up my wrecked mood.

"You two are sitting too close. I can't see behind you..." She said. I could tell she was hiding a laugh. She made me shift to a side and hoped in between us.

Always the poky nose....

"Here's the thing, if you ever hurt my best friend here. I am going to break your balls" She wasn't kidding. Shaurya nodded. He looked at me. I looked away. Too embarrassed.

It was the last day so no teacher taught us. They basically gave us all the projects we had to complete. Shaurya and I sat together with Reva and Rohit in front of us.

"You two look perfect together. Do me favour, just stay together like this. Also, do the world a favour. Make babies" She smiled. She winked at Shaurya.

My jaw dropped. What the heck? I hid my face behind my hands. Does she even think before talking?

"Hey. What's with you? Why are you so quite?" I asked him.

"I am fine..." He said shaking his head and returning to what he was doing. Sitting.

I turned his hand around. He had boils, a lot of them.

"Oh my God. Where'd you get that? Let's go get you first aid" I said. Though, they were small but it still hurt. He immediately withdrew his hand.

"I'm okay...." He said looking at me, his eyes seemed a little moist. I could tell that he was lying. He was hiding something.

I didn't push him to speak because he wouldn't speak. I had to find out.

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