Chapter 9: Broken

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I looked myself in the mirror. I looked at the bite he'd given hurt, still hurt but now it hurt more. I mean why does this happen to me? Am I cursed? I let people near me and they let me down. I don't know if Shaurya kissed her or not or what happened but Sonali's reaction broke me, it completely shook me. I mean she knew I liked Shaurya. Why would she do this? 

Shaurya broke my trust. Heck, he'd broken it a long while ago but still there was this part of me which said why not? I still felt that there was hope. Something still told me that there still is and that Shaurya cannot do this. Shaurya and Sonali never talked, hell, he didn't even look at her. He either talked to Reva or Ayra. 

A tear escaped the corner of my eye. I saw myself in the mirror. 

Look what a turn of events! How bad things are. All because of this moron. 

"You would be a sad bitch because of a bitch and a boy? Go savage bitch! Shake ass and the bad bitch you've always been" A voice inside of me said. Right, I just can't sit here feeling sorry for everything. I've got to explode into action. I washed my face. 

Okay, I made a theory for my peace of mind. What if it wasn't Shaurya's fault but he was forced into this? Consider how she'd been acting weird in the past few days.I so wished it was this. What if it was wasn't Arya's fault but she was forced into this? but it not seemed the way she reacted but i'll consider it. 

Next, I picked up my phone and called Shaurya. He picked up.

"Listen to me, you immediately shag ass to my place.We need to talk" I said. 

"Okay..." He said and hung up. 

I told mom that Shaurya was coming over, so she made some snacks for us. I waited for the sound of the doorbell. I did hear it after a while. I opened the door. He was wearing a black t-shirt and denim, his toned muscles perfectly showing off. He walked in.

After the crappy bowing down for blessings part, my mom left. Though, our maid was still there. I cannot believe she left. How much does she trust him? She doesn't know crap. We made it up to my room. 

"I will start.." He said pulling a chair. I placed myself on the bed. "Hmm" I said.

"I was walking home as I usually do, you know I take the short-cut. I avoid unecessary human contact..." He said pausing after every line to make sure that I was listening. "I knew somebody was walking behind me but I didn't notice it was her before she called out my name. I thought it was okay, we would walk home" He looked at me for a while. 

"I quietly kept on walking when she kept talking about shit I don't know. She pulled me to a corner and wrapped her arms around me and I did push her back..." He moved closer to me. "I am sorry to break it to you Aleena but the girl is not your friend, she never was..." He said. I looked up.

"Why would you say that?" I said. 

"She said why does it have to be always you? She trys so hard but why everybody wants you?You're nothing but a.." He stopped and looked up. 

"A...what? GO ON" I shouted.

"A manipulative snobbish bitch.." He said. I breathed heavily. "I don't believe you" I said. 

"You don't have to, I know it's hard..." He said placing his hand on my hand. I quickly withdrew my hand. 

"You're not exactly a saint too..." I spoke with a heavy sarcasm. 

"You too.." He bit his lip, I looked away. I bet I heard him chuckle. He stood up. 

"I will not waste our time convincing you, just get to the same place before me tomorrow. Hide behind the car or whatever. I know she'll be there.." He spoke with a lot of confidence. I looked away quite disgusted. 

"Plus you must have noticed she had wrapped arms around me and I was the one pinned to the wall. You know that's not my style" He said and laughed.

"See you tomorrow..." He kissed my cheek. I couldn't move or say anything. The guy had absolutely no regret or guilt in his eyes. I was scared, what if he...he spoke the truth?

I was scared....

Souls On FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora