Chapter 5- Emotions

Start from the beginning

We were met out front by the three men. No one knew we were leaving really so there wasn't some big goodbye or something. I took a few steps towards the tree line before Zander placed a gentle hand on my bicep to stop me.

"Let's drive." He said with a small smile. He pointed towards the side of the house when I noted a few cars lined up.

"Right. I almost forgot those existed. My pack never really drove anywhere. I think we had like one emergency car hidden somewhere, but I'd never been in it before." I told the men, feeling a little embarrassed by my lack of knowledge about the vehicles. 

"Well then you're in for a treat, love. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a large vehicle. The black beast in front of me was a little daunting. The metallic machine reflected sunlight in an almost blinding manor. "What do you think?" Zander asked with a sort of smirk.

"I think it's a little intimidating." I told him honestly, to which he chuckled. I love that sound. 

"Here." He opened the front door for me and I climbed in with only a little hesitation. "Our three escorts will be taking their own car. They will drive ahead of us to watch for any threats to your safety." 

"Okay, you said it was about a day from here?" I asked him.

"On foot yes, I believe it'll only take a few hours since we're driving." Zander helped buckle my seat belt before walking around to get to his side. 

"That's not so bad then." I told him.

Zander twisted the key and the engine roared to life. The sound and the vibration frightened me for a moment, but I recovered quickly. He turned a bit in his seat to peer out of the back windshield so he could back out of the driveway. "Do you like music?" He asked once we made it onto the main road.

"I do." I smiled internally as I recalled memories of my mother, father and I laughing and dancing around the house while music blasted through the radio we had. "We used to have these silly dance parties. My parents and I, I mean." I told him. 

"We can do that too, if you want." He offered quietly. So quiet I could have imagined it, so I didn't respond. I wouldn't know what to say anyway. Those moments were some of my absolute favorites, but would it be a hit to their memory if I shared moments like that with someone else? 

I know deep in my gut that my parents wouldn't want me to be this way. They would want me to smile and do everything I can to move on from this grief. They wouldn't want me to forget them, but they'd want me to live and love and enjoy life. They would want me to remember the happy moments, the times where we were smiling. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered to my mate. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I know I promised myself two days ago that I wouldn't cry, I would be hard and strong, but I can't help it. I'm not that person. I have always been the girl that smiles at everything. I am the product of the two gentle souls that were my parents. 

"Why are you sorry, love?" He asked, glancing at me but not taking his eyes off the road for too long. 

"I know this isn't what you wanted for your mate. I come with so much baggage, and-" I was cut off by a sob. I felt the car veer a sharp right as Zander pulled off the road. 

Alpha? Everything okay back there? Delt Chris asked in the mind link

We're okay, pull off just ahead. We just need a minute. Zander answered before cutting the link.

He pressed a button on the dash and unbuckled his seatbelt before opening the door and hopping out. He walked swiftly around the vehicle and before I knew it the door was torn open. He reached over me and pressed the button that released my seatbelt. After removing me from my seat and setting my feet gently on the gravel we were parked on he pulled me tightly into his chest and walked farther off the road to the line of trees.

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