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Chapter twenty-two: Charlie (Madison's POV)

After a very chaotic night, we all went off to bed, very dulled down and agitated. 

I woke up the next morning, excited for my plan for today because I do this all the time and while it's amazing and super fun, it kinda sucks too. I went downstairs and got myself some water before going back up to my room to pick an outfit and to shower. I grabbed a pair of denim shorts with a white NASA crop top. 

I showered, keeping my hair dry for the day and throwing it up in a bun, pulling some loose strands out. I threw on my converse, my wallet, phone, and water bottle before heading downstairs. 

Jacob just woke up, strolling out of his room in nothing but sweatpants with messy hair. 

"Come on, let's go!" I said excitedly. 

"I thought you said after lunch?" he asked in confusion, his voice hoarse and husky. 

"God damn it, I did, didn't I?" I mumbled to myself. "Okay, yeah, we'll just go after lunch," I turned to go back into my room but he grabbed my wrist. 

"Give me ten minutes," he sighed in defeat. 

"Wait, really? No, don't. We can just go after we have lunch," I shrugged it off. 

"No, just give me ten minutes, I promise," he kissed my cheek quickly before going back into his room to get ready. I smiled before going downstairs and making us a small breakfast. 

I made us french toast sticks with some toast before grabbing my keys. He came downstairs, all dressed and pulled together. "What do we have here? I see you made breakfast for once," he snickered while sitting next to me. I elbowed him. 

"It's nothing like the breakfast you make but I did what I could do fastest and still good enough to pass," I replied while we began eating. After about fifteen minutes, we were done as Nick came downstairs. "Bye," I waved at him. 

"Where are you going? It's barely ten?" he asked. 

"I'm going to my spot in town," I gave him a pointed look. "Bye," I said again before pulling Jacob out with me. We got in and I drove off. 

"Will you tell me where we're going now?" he questioned. 

"Hmm," I pretended to think. "We are going," I paused while turning the corner. "To Petsmart," I smiled. 

"To Petsmart?" he asked in confusion. 

"Yup," I replied cheerily. 

"Why?" he chuckled. 

"I volunteer there during all holidays and I get to take care of all the puppies and kittens. That's my department," I explained. 

"So we're going there to play with puppies?" he asked. 

"That's right," I nodded while pulling into my parking spot. I got my stuff and stepped out, Jacob following me. I walked over to the counter and left my stuff under the desk. "Hey, Tiffany," I smiled at my co-worker. 

"Hey, Maddie. Who's this?" she asked while glancing at Jacob. 

I looked at Jacob not knowing what to say. He wasn't my boyfriend, he wasn't my friend. 

"Roommate," he answered. 

She looked at both of us suspiciously. 

"It's complicated," I huffed while pulling my ID card on. "So, who do we have?" I asked while sanitizing my hands. 

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