I heard Thaleia's keys jingle in the door so I decided to go help her with the groceries but as I got there she stood empty handed, and looking rather guilty if I do say so myself.

"Where are the groceries?" I questioned, hands on my hips. "See...about that. I ran into-"

"Where should we put these?" rang out from the apartment complex hallway and in no time at all, there stood the very three brothers I was avoiding. "-your boyfriends. Surprise?" she spoke like a child who knew they did something wrong.

"Sweet omega. You've been avoiding us." Edward spoke. I decided it would be weird to keep calling him Mr.Styles now that he was actively courting me. Or trying to anyway.




"So were you guys bred for greatness or what?" Hali laughed as I continued to cut the crab meat into sizable pieces. Curently Niall, Hali, Thaleia, the triplets, and I were all in the kitchen. Thaleia had invited them to stay earlier, and I must say that woman has no loyalty. The tradition we all started many many years ago is that twice a month we all gather to cook an unhealthy dish and watch a movie. These three are not included in the tradition. Boyfriends or girlfriends have never been apart of the deal but suddenly everyone decided now was the exception?

Traitors. All of them.

So far, I've successfully avoided confrontation with the triplets but I knew it was coming soon enough if the look in their eyes was anything to go by. But for now, I'll cook this deep friend crab meat lasagna and be silent.

"Uh not necessarily. We grew up with nothing back in England, I guess you could say. So we all vowed that when it was time to settle down and mate that we would have much more to offer. And now here we are years later. Luckily it just so happened that we were all successful in our goals." Harry explained.

"So you guys always knew you wanted to mate the same omega?" Niall questioned. Lets just say he was using this time to get in all his mama bear like questions in.

"You could say that. We never really talked about it. As triplets we naturally have this connection, so when one of us likes an omega the other two kind of lean in that direction too most of the time. We've of course dated others individually but that never really worked. Sharing an omega just makes the most sense for us." Harry answered.

"Have you all gone through a lot of omegas? Have you ever cheated?" Niall's questions suddenly got more invasive.

"Aw Ni! You can't just ask things like that!" I butted in for the first time, and the brothers seemed to find my reaction amusing.

"No, its fine. Harry and I have had our fair share of...play things so to say. Marcel has never liked to participate in such things though." Edward fessed up. So they were players? Big shock that is.


"But don't get us wrong, when we decide on something that a wrap. And we've decided that Louis is the one for us." Harry cut in, looking directly at me. I choked on thin air and Thaleia picked up on my distress being the good best friend that she is.

"How could you be so sure? You've only known him for a little while." She prompted.

"It sounds cliche but when you know, you just do. Some people are just made for others and we know that Louis is made for us as we are for him. We all felt it and we've never felt something like this before. Even though we have only known Louis for a short amount of time, we just know." Marcel spoke for the first time in a while. He was generally quiet. I picked up on that. He only spoke when he felt he needed to speak and when he did, he meant every word from the bottom of his heart.

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