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THE THREE TALL AND scary gang members standing in the dark alley with rain falling from the sky and their shiny car behind them, couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the much smaller guy in front of them. When they had learned from their boss that they would meet someone from the mighty mafia boss, Mr. Choi's gang, they expected the best of the best. Their expectations had been high and that for sensible reasons. So as a black car rolled in from the other side of the alley, the guy with the expensive suit began to stomping his foot in the ground and the other two standing next to him, not at all dressed up but equally expectant, chewed on their smoking cigarettes.

But when the car door opened and a little guy with a pink dress shirt stepped out, they got confused and felt almost a little fooled.

"Mr. Choi send you?" The guy with the expensive suit, just couldn't stop himself from asking.

The guy with the very pink shirt folded up an umbrella that was just as equally pink and held it over himself, all without saying a single word. The three men could only watch. When he was sheltered from the rain, he looked up and said, "Is that a problem?"

The guy with the expensive suit nervously swallowed a lump in his throat as he felt the looks from his companions. "Ehm, no. It's just that you. . .look a little—"

"—I need to cut my hair, I know." The guy sighed, nonchalantly folded up the sleeve of his shirt before glancing up and saying, in a serious voice this time: "I am Byun Baekhyun and what I understand, you've got something that belongs to us!"

The guy with the expensive suit was about to introduce himself too, but changed his mind at the last second when he was reminded of how things had gone last time— people were always so surprised when he told them his name was Ong Seongwoo. He still had nightmares from his time in school when people made fun of him for it. Even now, almost twenty years later, some people thought it was hysterically funny. His mother might be right, after all, the role as a teacher was the only conceivable profession where his name fit in, in the end. "The kids are already bullying their teachers, so you would've done many a favor," she said the last time they saw each other, which was several months ago.

Ong Seongwoo signaled to one of his companions to retrieve the package that was in the front seat of their car. He still didn't know what was in it, but in the end, it didn't matter because it wasn't their job to know. The only thing they were supposed to do was hand over the package. They were three simple errand boys who hoped that they one day would achieve the honor of thrilling assignments.

Byun Baekhyun sighed when he realized he needed to hold the relatively large package with one hand. It was now that he also realized that he should've agreed to Sehun's offer to come along. When he, after the circumstances, still managed to get the package into the back seat of the car, really tried to hide from the others how hard it actually was— he muttered a goodbye and drove away from there as fast as possible. The journey back was nothing but short but it was boring and a bit nervous. The thought of the content of the package made him feel uneasy and every time he heard police sirens, his grip on the steering wheel became harder.

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