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Veronica started towards The Bird's Nest front door and thought how representatives the name of this house to the people who lives in it. A couple of sinner, sat in their nest, doing God only knows what all day long. The thought gave her shivered, her christian moral just got disturbed. Veronica knocked. It took quite a long time for George to opened. And when he did open, his face couldn't be more shock! He went pale.

"V..Veronica?" he studderd.

"Hello, George. Didn't think to find me here, did you?"

"But could...?"

"You know what they say, George, if you keep a dead animal in your drawers no matter how deep you cover it the smell will give away. I just followed the smell of betrayed and cowardice and it led me here. I know you have been fooling around with that ungrateful little maid!"

"Don't say that about her, Veronica!" exclaimed George. The shock had turned into an anger.

"I could say anything I want about her! She is a little prostitute! Always on the hunt for rich man! Do you even know that she is married? She is married to Donald Ramsay, the organ player in the church! Do you even know poor Donald? He is sick, he has been an invalid for three years! Whithered away in his bed while his wife fooling around with you! Don't you have compassion for the poor man, George? Oh no! Even if you don't have any compassion for him you must have a decency to consider poor Bette! How about Bette, George? Did you even think about her? Where is your heart, George?" Veronica really let out her anger.

"You have no right to lecture me, Veronica!"

"Oh yes, I do! You are my little brother! You go around people, telling them that I am a selfish person, that I'm an arrogant rich widow who treated people like shit! But you know what, it is you who trully are a selfish, arrogant person! You treated people like shit the way you treated Donald and Bette! You are trully low, borther."

"Stay out of my life, Veronica! I swear I don't want anything to do with you anymore! I never did and I'll never be!" George was going to closed the door in Veronica's face but Veronica held it.

"Good, I'm off your back. You don't want me to pry on your life, you got it. But for once in your life George, face the problem that you have made, don't run away like you always do. Please tell Bette the truth. She deserves it. She's a good person and you're not worthy of her anyway. But be gallant and face your sin. Confess to Bette, leave her with dignity."

Couldn't stand the truth bombarded at him, George slammed the door in Veronica's face at the mention of Bette's name.

"George! You coward swine! You are not a man! You're an embarassement!" shouted Veronica; banging and kicking the door.

It killed Joan to see her Grandma who was always poised and graceful now yelling like mad while kicking and banging on the door. She walked towards her Grandmother.

"Grandma, let's go home." Said Joan and took Veronica by the hand and led her to the car.

"Oh, Joan," Veronica cried. She couldn't start the car just yet. She inhaled deep breath to sooth her pounding heart.

"I'm sorry about George."

"Oh, Joan dear, he is always a trouble. Oh, poor Bette," Veronica looked deep into Joan's eye. "Joan, don't you tell anybody about this, okay?"

"What? But grandma! Don't you think that we should tell Bette about this? I mean, she deserves to know, don't you think?"

"Yes, she does. But it is not ours to tell, Joan. It had to be George. And who knows that one of these days George will get his senses back and regret this whole maid thing and come back to Bette like nothing ever happened. So promise me, Joan."

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