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The funeral was held the next day and it was a beautiful ceremony. Benjamin Allenby might have been an old man and usually the death of an old man seldom sadden anybody because they're old and it is expected but in Ben's case it was different. He was cried for, he was hard to lose because everybody loved him. But at the end of the funeral service they all felt a little better, now that they believed Benjamin had rested peacefully and felt pain nor suffering no more.

It was 1 o'clock in the morning when Veronica was startled with a ringing of a phone in her bedside. This was definitely not a proper time for any phone call, she tried to ignore it but the ring sounded so persistent that she had no choice but to answered it.

"Halo!" she said annoyingly.

"May I speak with Mrs. Sinclair, please?" the voice over the phone sounded shaky and old.

"This is she."

"Mrs. Sinclair, this is Eugene Paddie, the graveyard undertaker."

"Yes, Mr. Paddie?" now Veronica sounded frightened rather than angry. Her heart pounded so loud.

"You brother, Ma'am, Mr. George is sleeping on Mr. Allenby's graveyard, he is drunk and now he is yelling."

Veronica could hear a faint sound of yelling and screaming of a distress man. "Oh, for god sake!" she sighed with relieved. She thought this old graveyard undertaker would say something scary or bring bad news because nothing scarier than a midnight call from a graveyard undertaker.

"Can you pick him up, ma'am?"

"Yes, Mr. Paddie, I'll be right there." she hang up.

Veronica caressed her chest to soothed her pounding heart. She took a deep breath before she got up from bed and suddenly a struck of genius came to her. She picked up her phone and dialed a number she knew so well.

It was awfully late to call someone and troubled them with one's affair but to Veronica she was on a mission of love and manners didn't include in the success of the mission. She listened to the dial tone, rhythm, hoping that the one she called for will answer it. She was determined to make this worked even if she had to woke the entire house on the other side of the phone line.

"Halo?" Bette answer the phone from the kitchen.

Bette was the one that Veronica was aiming and thank faith that she was the one who picked up the phone. Although Bette herself almost didn't answer. It was late and to be honest she was kind of nervous to answer an unusual phone call in the middle of the night.


"Veronica?" Bette sighed.

It was Veronica and less likely she would bring bad news, thought Bette. Veronica hated bad news, there was always Herbert, the old butler in Veronica's house to do that for her. If Veronica called directly than you can bet it was something to chat on, a juicy gossip. "Do you know what time it is?"

"You haven't sleep, Bette? You don't sound like you have."

"I couldn't sleep, I.."

Veronica didn't let her finished, "Wonderful! Than you can help me, can't you, dear?"

"Help you? Whatever could I be of help to you in the middle of the night?"

"Yes. You see, Bette I just got a phone call from the graveyard undertaker, Mr. Paddie, you know him, right? Well, he called me and told me that George is sleeping in Benjamin's grave, he is drunk and yelling so loud! Can you believe that man! Ridiculous! You think that in his fifty he would be more sensible!"

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