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George had a hot rendezvous again with Annemarie until it was almost midnight and George led Annemarie by the hand to the platform number 3, the usual platform where the train that will take him back to the light house, far away, would stop.

"George, I feel like I should tell you this," Annemarie looked deep into George's brown eyes. "George, I have never felt like this with any other man in my life and I love you for it. I love everything about you and you know George, I don't care about Bette or the fact that you're engaged to be married. If I were to be your mistress and that is all I'm ever going to be in your life, then I'll take it without giving it second thought. I just want to be with you no matter what."

"Annemarie," said George and then kissed Annemarie with all the passion he felt.

In the train going back to his solitary, George thought about Annemarie. All this time he has never thought about his true feeling regarding her. It was always an adrenalin rush with Annemarie that he forgot to evaluate the true state of his heart and to whom did it belong to.

Now that he stopped and thought about it, he did feel something for Annemarie. It was something raw and passionate but very powerful even the image of Bette couldn't put it out. It was an intense feeling that cannot be compare to what he used to feel for Bette. Could it be, Love?

George went back to his daily life but couldn't shake the longing for one person. Bette used to be that person he was longing for but now a new image of a woman has appeared in his mind that always haunted him. It was the face of Annemarie that he was longing for.

At sunset George couldn't enjoy his usual cup of coffee at the top of the light house tower. Annemarie danced in his mind but then as the sun goes down a sense of guilt filled him. He has never betrayed anyone like this before. He always treated ladies with respect. People have been saying that he was fickled when it comes to romance just because he couldn't settled down even though he had been dating many women before. Old farmer John had told him that his real problem was that he couldn't commit to something and easily moved on when something more interesting came his way. George had denied this before, adamant that his problem lied only on the fact that none of those women were meant to be; it was faith that screwed him to a life long bachelorhood and not himself.

But now, he was forced to re-evalute his point of view. Could it be that old farmer John was true?

However, things always ended the same as it ended with George. A battle between common sense and desire - that may or may not be love - desire always ended up winning. And it did win when on the weekend George called the rental house he saw in an advertising in Felixstowe just view miles outside Ipswich and made arrangement for him to stay there for weeks. The house was to be his love nest with Annemarie.

"Annemarie, I got us a house in Felixstowe," said George excitedly when he called Annemarie.

"Really, George? Oh, that's wonderful!"

"I'll be coming back tomorrow. I'll pick you up at Breeches Lodge?"

"Maybe you should wait view blocks from Breeches Lodge to avoid being seen."

"That's a good idea."

"Oh, George, I couldn't wait to meet you."

"Me too, darling," said George and hang up.

View minutes later his phone rang.

"Hello" he said.

"Darling? This is Bette."

"Hi, Bette."

"How are you, George?"

"I'm fine." said George.

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