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The shock and the excitement of having proposed to Bette hadn't subsided when George parked his car in front of The Breeches Lodge, home of Veronica. He whistled his way to the house when he saw a woman; dressed in a maid uniform, cursing beneath her breath all the while picking up her fallen groceries. George being the gallant man rushed to help the distressed woman.

"Oh, thank you, sir," Said the woman.

"Bit overwhelming, are you?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

"That's okay," George smiled at her and realized he never saw this woman here before. "And you are?"

"Oh I'm sorry! My name is Annemarie. I'm the new maid."

"New maid?" George scoffed. "How many maid does Veronica need?" he led Annemarie to the front door.

Herbert opened the door and somewhat surprised to see George and Annemarie; George with a handful of apples, butter and flour and Annemarie behind him with the rest of the groceries.

"Let me help you, sir," Said Herbert.

"That's okay, Herbert." George looked at Annemarie and smiled, "Where do you want this, milady?"

Annemarie laughed, "In the pantry, sir."

Annemarie led George to the kitchen. A big, luxurious kitchen filled with busy maids and cooks preparing meals that no one would probably eat anyway. George sneered at what he saw; a luxurious kitchen that Veronica probably never even stepped foot in, foods that could feed neighbors up to 10 doors down that he was sure Veronica wouldn't eat anyway. He shook his head.

"Here you go." George said as he put the groceries in the pantry counter.

"Thank you, sir," Said Annemarie, smiling at George.

"My name is George, by the way."

"I know, sir. You're Mrs. Sinclair's little brother."

George smiled at Annemarie then went out of the kitchen to find Veronica to break the news about the engagement, leaving Annemarie with pounding heart and butterfly in her stomach. She rarely felt this way with a man before but now something is brewing inside of her and all because she locked eyes with George.

George found Veronica in the library and broke the happy news to her immediately. Veronica was ecstatic, finally! After much praying and hoping the good news finally arrived. The 2 persons that she loved came together in a love engagement.

"Oh, George!" Veronica held her brother tight. "I'm so happy for you, little brother."

"Thank you, Veronica." George poured him a glass of scotch and sat in the sofa. "By the way, how many maid do you need to work for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just hired a new maid?"

"Oh, that," Veronica sat beside George. "It's just a favor I do for the vicar. She used to worked for the vicar but then the vicar didn't need her anymore for him being alone now. So, I took her in. She is more like a spare help, versatile."

George smiled and shook his head; leave it to Veronica to degrade someone's worth. Veronica caught George expression and understand that her last words wasn't exactly approved of.

"What? Don't you scoff at me, George! She is needed nevertheless! She's not live in though, but I guess it's probably the best set up for her. Well, anyway, why we sit here and talked about the new maid. Let's talk wedding!"

Veronica walked back and forth in eagerness. She was thinking about how excited it would be when the wedding day come, but she couldn't just wait for months! She wanted to do something, a festive event to celebrate.

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