23) Exam motivation?

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3rd POV

''I am here to give the report.'' After the escape room challenge, has Annabelle made a report recording, which students passed and which did not. Even failing those who just escaped without finding out what information they were 'searching' for. And now is she in a monitor room and each screen has different kind of principle from those school that made their student take the exam. ''The first exam was an escape room. The meaning of this is that some heroes has to go undercover to get information and even get kidnapped if it was necessary. So the students has to get themselves out by using their brain and teamwork. This is a perfect challenge to those that do things their own way. If one student decide to smash the locked door and run out without getting the right combination for the code that is on the door, would they all be disqualified, and the one destroying the door would be kicked off the hero course... The other thing about this challenge is to find the information, which was some documents for illegal selling of guns and where it all should happen. After finding that and got out, would they meet the 'enemy' and need to fight their way out or run away from them to give the new found information to the 'hero' outside the stadium. Had they the right information did they all pass. If not, shall they be considered by head of the exam if they should continue or fail the exam.''

''And the result is this.'' Says the head of Heroes Public Safety Commission, Mera. He then press a bottom and a hologram behind them popped up with the result of which class and school continue further. All the principle nodded, some like the result, others look sad or furious.

''That is my report. Thank you for your time.'' Says Annabelle and bowed them before leaving the monitor to leave them alone. When the door closed, sighed Annabelle of relief. Some of the principle looked kind of mean to her, in her opinion. ''Well... Time to see how the future heroes do.''

*Time skip*

Inside the meeting room for the start of the second exam, is every students in their hero costumes and are crowed close together in a small space. They all can't wait for the exam to start.

''Um...'' And talking about excitement. ''Well then, let's do that provisional license thing...'' As usual is Mera as tired and quite, and isn't excited about the exam at all. ''I am Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep... Nice to meet you... I have been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep... We are too short-staffed... I am so sleepy... With that convictions, I will give you the orientation... But first, a video from a exam around seven years ago, where the youngest hero ever got her license... You all know her as the Fairy Hero: Trix.'' Behind Mera popped a screen and show Annabelle as a child in a simple short white kimono and her hair is still the same. ''This video, will show you all how hard this is... It is not a child's play... And before you think about it, is the exams different each year.''


Little Annabelle run through a forest road with a red scarf tied around her right arm. She doesn't have a class to be with, she is all alone.

''There is one.'' Annabelle stopped at the sudden voice and see a class of students surrounding her, all with a yellow scarf.

''A red scarf, with that do we only need a blue to continue.'' Says another one. A recap of the exam. There are three colors. Yellow, blue and red. Yellow is worth 1 point. Blue is worth 2 and red is worth 5. Each classes shall together collect 30 points with their own scarfs counted. In this situation, is Annabelle against ten students with yellow scarfs, which mean ten points. They already has one red and four blue, which equals 23 points, and that is why they need a red and a blue to get the last seven points. If they get over 30 points doesn't matter, they just have to reach 30 before the hour long time is over. If they lose a scarf, do they lose the points the color scarf result. If they all lose their scarf, doesn't it mean they are disqualified, only if the time is over and they didn't reach their goal.

''Give up the scarf and we won't hurt you.'' Says a ninja like student to Annabelle. The test is split into group of max ten on each, but some students are picked to be alone or with a smaller group. At the very start did the 20 student of a class get numbers to determine that. Annabelle wasn't in a class, so she became one of the rare red scarf, which is all a single person. Blue can you find with a group of two or three.

''If you want it, then come and get it.'' Challenge Annabelle and quickly call out a fairy form of Libra.

'' Challenge Annabelle and quickly call out a fairy form of Libra

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''Get her.'' The ten students jump at her, but that was the wrong move. The wind around them changed and they start floating.

''Gravity, minimize.'' Says Annabelle as a cloud cover the students vision. After a minut in the cloud, lift off the thick cloud and Annabelle is gone.

''Our scarf.'' Yelled one of the students and notice they all are gone, which give them zero points and Annabelle with 28, now she just need to get a blue or two yellow to reach the goal. She find a three pared group and took their scarf with the same trick, but one had a quirk that could sense her, so she had to punch him on the side to get him off guard, take his scarf and fleet. She let them continue having the yellow scarf they collected. When the time was over, did she collect 36 points. Next was a obstacle course were they should rescue dolls while dodging attack from villains. They are aloud to stop the villain from attacking further, but the amount of rescued dolls was more important. Annabelle searched for the machine that attacks them and try her new move, Sharp Wind. The wind reached the machine, cutting them into slices and let her fly past them without trouble and collect as many dolls as possible. And she didn't just throw them in her space, but placed them carefully on her space. She imagined that they are real to stay focus. She also helped some of the others having trouble. At the end was the result showed and Annabelle's name was at the top with the highest score they have ever seen. She made a record.


''Right after did she get a coach, who helped her become what she is today... There is a change it will happen again... so show your best side...'' Added Mera to the video, which make the students nervous.

''And.'' A familiar voice came and jump down the cellar, that no one notice there was someone up there. It is Annabelle in her red dress. Her hero outfit.

''I, for example, are willing to take some promising furture hero under my wings in my agency

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''I, for example, are willing to take some promising furture hero under my wings in my agency. I will not say if you have to get your license or not to be picked, but I will pick those who look promising.'' Promised Annabelle. That got the students excited about that. ''Even if I don't pick you, do I still promise to have my doors open for you, if you ever needed help. So further ado, do your best and get your hero license. Mera-san, please continue.''

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