ᵈᵉᵃʳ ᵉᵐⁱˡʸ & ʳⁱᶜʰᵃʳᵈ

Start from the beginning

"Guys, we're not kidding." Lorelai said, her grandparents weren't laughing anymore.

"Ma'am it's fun and affordable." Dexter said, her mother gave her a thumbs up. Emily gave Dexter a look of not believing them.

"You're seriously going to traipse around Europe, with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep with 30 other people?" Emily said not playing around anymore.




"It's not safe, I forbid it."

Dexter just sat there not sure how to deal with this. She's been backpacking before it's fun and very cheap. She did it with the guys in California, they went all over the state.

"Call our travel agent."

"But we want it to be spontaneous."

"Jump a train to Paris."

"Head off to Spain."

"But it's raining in Spain."

"But since the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain..."

"looks like Italy for us."

"mama mia"

"You can still travel around aimlessly, and stay in a decent hotel."

"We wanna do it cheap."

"We'll pay."


"Grandma, it's going to be fun."

"Kids do this all the time."

"I did it with my friends." Dexter said making them all look at her.

"It was cheap and we were able to do everything in our pace." Dexter tells them, Lorelai pointed at Dexter.

"Yes, but Lorelai you're not a kid, you are a grown woman. What are people gonna think when they see you bunking down with a bunch of 20-years-old?" Emily asked her.

"Well, if the 20-years-old are cute, they'll probably think 'lucky'." she said making her grandparents look at them disappointment.

"Grandma, don't be upset. It really is going to be great." Rory said.

"'What's so traumatic about a night without a bed anyway?' 'My survey shows shows have had the opportunity to be a refugee for a night have their perspectives broadened and actually enjoy the experience.'" Emily read the book, Richard just looked in shock that this was happening.

"This book is encouraging them to sleep in a park like a squirrel." Emily said showing the book to him, Dexter and the guys slept in a alley in Down Town La before,it was crazy seeing all the people.

"it's okay mom."

"My firsts trip in Paris, I stayed at the ritz." Emily said.

"I'll tell you what, if it'll make you happy, we'll go to Paris and eat out of their dumpster." Lorelai said as both her parents looked at her in horror.


"Come on love." Finn said as he put his head in Dexter's lap. She was studying and taking notes but Finn kept wanting to talk.

"Fine!" She said making Finn get up with a big smile on his face.

"Alright." Finn said but a phone call making his goan. Dexter went to get her phone to anwser it.

"Hello?" Dexter asked getting up from the floor.

"Dex! I just wanted to incite you to my c-section, it is at Friday, February 7th, six o'clock p.m. Me and the girls are going out to eat, sushi. Then I'm going to the hospital to have G.G. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to." Sherrie said, the whole plan didn't sound realistic at all.

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