ᵖᵘˡᵖ ᶠʳⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ

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ᵖᵘˡᵖ ᶠʳⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ

Dexter woke up right next to a naked Colin. She could smell the coffee that Finn was making. She slowly tried to get herself away from Colin arms. He tried to open his eyes to see the Hayden beauty putting on one of Finn's shirts and some boxers.

"I got the coffee." Finn announced walking in the bedroom.

Finn put two cups on the small desk, he kissed his girlfriend head and chuckled watching Colin who groaned out. Dexter passed a cup of coffee to Colin who drank it greedily.

"Happy birthday." Dexter hugged her boyfriend who just smiled as Colin watched the couple.


Dexter was fully prepared for tonight. It was her boyfriend's birthday today and she knew exactly what she was going to wear. The theme was something they both planned a while back so their costumes were going to match. All of their friends were coming, a few other guest.

Dexter also planned the exact dance from Finn's favorite movie pulp fiction.

"You're the best girlfriend." Colin told her, he watched Dexter get the Mia costume all together. She got the wig and fake blood for her nose. She also had Finn outfit ready, he's going to be Vincent.


The party was going o well. Everyone was dresses for the part and drinking like their lives depending on it. Finn was happy and that's what matter to Dexter.

"Have I told you that you're the best girlfriend." Finn said drunken to her while taking another shot.

Dexter smiled as she watched some of her friends having fun. That everyone seem happy. Then Logan walked in with Whitney, another girl that's other sister which made her frown. She did her greetings politely, Logan could tell that she wasn't likely his date.

"Stop." Colin joked as he was watching Dexter glare at Logan.

"I don't understand, I thought he was happy with Rory." She said confused to Colin.

"They're just casually dating." Colin said making her still groaned about Logan casually dating her sister.

Other than that, everyone still was having a good time. Dexter fixed the fake blood under her nose while holding a cigarette that Finn shared with her. Finn was looking around to see who the lucky member of their friend group to be welcome in their shared bed. That was stop once they saw Robert with his date with her sister. Finn walked to greet Robert and Rory.

"Robert, what are you?" Finn asked his friend.

"Dead extra number two." Robert states.

"Brilliant, my friend." Finn commented.

"Happy birthday, Finn. You owe me 49 dollars." Robert said making Dexter chuckled.

"Well, maybe for my birthday you'll forgive me that." Finn asked in a joking tone. Dexter could see the annoyance in Roberts face knowing that he was still going to ask Finn for the $40 on his birthday. Making Finn go through his jacket to look for his wallet.

"Does your father have any idea what a toll his cross-dressing took on your psyche?" Finn asked Robert.

"Babe, that was your father." Dexter commented.

"Ah, you're right. My god, that explains a lot." Finn joked showing them his red painted nails.

"Do I know you?" Finn joked with Rory.

"Rory Gilmore, Finn." Robert introduced his date.

"Pleasure to meet you. Alright, children, drink and be merry for tomorrow we will all be in a year deal of pain." Finn told them as Dexter grab two shots from a waitress.

"Thank you, love." Finn said as he grabbed one and kissed Dexter. As they walked away from Rory and a Robert.

Everyone seem to enjoy themselves, Dexter looked over to see that her sister was talking with Logan, Robert, Whitney, and Colin as they were doing their greetings. Dexter smiled seeing the jealousy on Logan's face.

The dissatisfied facial expressions that her sister was making was truly making Dexter laugh. This is because she knows that Robert is telling his great life plan to Rory.

Dexter really wanted her sister to be happy with Logan. She knows that it would be a lot of convincing to get Logan to settle down with her sister. That's why she was smiling inside when she saw Logan pull her sister away.

"Fuck, you're hot." Finn stated while grinding up on her backside.

She took that to dance with him. She was truly happy in the arms of her boyfriend. She just knew that he was happy as well with his big smile. Then she looked at the DJ who just smiled as she waved knowing that it was going to be the iconic dance.

"I wanna dance." Dexter said making Finn rise an eyebrows they did the iconic dance.

Everyone was cheering for them. They had a photographer taking photos. She just knew this was going to be a memorable night. As she was dancing she could see that her sister went back to the table with Robert, Colin, and Whitney.


"These photos can never be seen by her families." Finn said looking at the photos that the photographer gave them from his birthday party.

"I love this one." Dexter said it was one with her sister and her holding a shot and smiling.



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