"Your a good man Arthur" Merlin said taking his hand his his smiling at him through wet eyes Their eyes met like two oceans, MErlins a warm calm tropical sea full of joy and mystery and Arthur's a raging deep sea full of power and stength.

"You need rest" Arthur said gently and Merlin nodded. The sun had set long ago and they made the walk back to village for the night through the settled snow, lit by the moon peaking out from behind the clouds and irradiating the ice crystals all around them into a silvery light.


The next day they made their way to the village hall - a council had been called, Mordred was there representing the druids, Hunith the vilage, and Gaius and his friend Alice were there also. Merlin and Arthur approached the wooden hall, and saw Lancelot, Gwen, Gwaine, Percival, Will, Elyan and Leon, all enter, and followed behind them.

Inside the hall everyone seated themselves around a large table covered in paper and planning details they had come up with.

"Merlin! Arthu!" Gwaine greeted them his usual bright smile looking forched and his dark eyes wary.

"How are you?" Gwen asked Gently, he warm eyes simmering with concern. Merlin offered her a small smile, his own eyes with dark purple bags under them as he had struggled to sleep with so much of him missing.

"I'm ok. Thankyou." She smiled at him pityingly and squeezed his hand and he looked away, not aple to deal with being pitied.

"As you all know the mad king has suscceeded in his plan. Magic has been removed from the world - or at least the kingdom. Many of the more powerful druids are sick but Gaius and Alice are helping to heal them." Alice had arrived in Ealdor as a traveller but had such a bond with the physician it seemed like she would stay for good. Once she heard about everyone's plans she insisted on remaining to help.

"We are expecting word from Northumbria that they are on the move any day now, and we can attack Camelot while they are celebrating this....this....abomination they have done!" Arthur spat out the word, the heat and anger in him could be felt all across the room.

"But we must realise our bow has one less string. While we have many skilled fighters here" He getusred to Leon and Percival who nodded their heads thinkging of the great progress their knight trainging groups had done "and healers and fighters within the druid community we still have no magic." He finished solemly looking around the room.

"We still have the element of surprise! Camelot hs no idea what we're planning" Will piped up.

"IS it enought o make up for the element of magic?" Lancelot questioned in an evan tone.

"It has to be." Merlin said staring at the surface of the table. Everyone looked at him cutting their arguments off. He rased his eyes to look at everyone around the table, his friends and family. He stood up next to hiis husband, who was looking at him in ernest love.

"We do not have magic on our side but we still have each other. We have belief that what we're doing is right, and we have lives and loved ones to fight and defends. And we have Arthur." HE turned to look at the blonde man beside him with a small smile of his face, so much hope rested on his broard shoulders, and he was capable of bearing that weight.

"For my part I will learn to fight." Merlin turned back and looked at Leon and Percival particularly "I have some experience with a blade, but none on an open field of battle. Will you teach me"

"Aye" Leon intoned looking at Merlin with respect and Merlin nodded.

"Let's go now then" He said and everyone stood from their seats around the table. They all left, Gwen departed to the fogre taking Percival and Elyan, Lancelot went with Hunith, Gaius and Alice to the druid camp, to treat the sick and to insure they had enough supplies for the coming battle, Gwaine and Will headed off to do drills on the fields, while Arthur and Leon waitied outside for Merlin to joint hem, and begin his training.

Merlin glanced up as Mordred approached him, resolved in his eyes.

"Emrys" he said and Merlin grimaced.

"Please Mordred..." Merlin cut across him, he could not bare to hear that name now, not after....he was not Emrys any more, he was just Merlin. He was nothing special. But Moredred shook his head.

"You don't understand. You are magic. As long as you live there is hope of magics return, I feel it. The war is not over yet and who knows what tomorrow may bring?" Merlin squashed the faint flutter of hope in his chest at the younger mans words and shook his head to rid it.

"What do you want?" He asked shortly. Mordred cleared his throught and stood up straight.

"I would like to train to fight, with you, Arthur, and Leon" the dark curly haired boy said firmly. Merlin frowned at him in confusion.

"Are you sure? You're a peaceful people and this isn't a style where you can use your enemies strength agains them. Sword training is aggressive." Merlin gently reminded him, thinking of the style of hand fighting the druids practiced, when they had to use it.

"I know. But the world is changing and I must change with it. How do I or my people defend against a man with a sword? We cannot unless we learn to weirld them also." Merlin sighed in the face of Mordred determination.

"As long as you're happy to do this. We need all the help we can get." He offered a smile, which Mordred returned and together they followed Leon to the paddock where he practiced, and spent the day training with him and Arthur and the villagers.


The dark night glowed with stars as Merlin sat on the side of their bed and watched Arthur where he stood gazing out of the window a pale spectre in the silver moon light. Merlin stood up to join his partner, winding his skinny arm around Arther's solid waste and holding him close. The pair breathed slowly together as they watched the night's sky, a coment weaving it's way across the air, leaving behind it a trail of illuminated dust that was beautiful.

"Tell me what your thinking" Merlin muttered. He felt Arthur's mouth pull itself into a smile against his skin.

"I was just saving the moment. It won't be this simple for much longer, and I just want to enjoy it while I can." he explained.

"Oh?" Merlin provoked.

"Yes. It's simple and it's beatuiful and it takes my breath away" Arthur said, no longer looking at the stars, but insted looking at Merlin. Merlin didn't notice and smiled, eyes twinkling the colour of the clear sky in the day.

"When I look at the sky like tonight, I almost forget that there's no magic. If I didn't feel it wasn't there, I'd swear it was still here. Not gone, just out of reach and teasing us with the magestic beauty of the universe. Arthur, when I look out there I know we'll succeed. How can we fail when the very skiy wants us to win?" Merlin asked.

"It not the majesty of the universe that's taking my breathe away." Arthur muttered into Merlin's ear.

"Oh....." said Merlin surprised, turning to Arthur with a wicked grin "really?" He asked "What is it then?"

"You know the anwser to that you wonderufl dollophead." he ran his ringers along Merlin's cheekbone and kissed his forhead. "You fanstastic and beautiful clotpoll." he said, with a smile, and kiss Merlin's mouth.

"You know I love you, yes?" Merlin asked when they had finished.

"Yes, Merin, I know you love me." Arrhur responded indulgently, unable to stop from rolling his eyes.

"Well then, I promose you that when you're king, there will still be nights like this: silence and beautfiul and just us. If I have to bend the very fabric of reality I'll make it happen. I promise." Merlin said, hugging close to Arthur's chest and eyes back to the sky, out of the window.

"Do you promise?" Arthur asled. Eyes blue and full of hopes.

"Yes." Merlin answered. "I promise."

"Well then, I guess I have nothing worry about." Arthur answered, smile beamed across his face as he turned and in one fluid motion swope Merlin off his feet and into his arms, casuing him to burst out a peal of surprised laughter as Arthur carried his slighter husband back to the large bed.

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