2: Dreaming

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"Oh come on, (Y/n)!" Your classmate scolded jokingly. The cool breeze of the busy nighttime street wisped through her tightly coiled locks as you walked by her side. "Sooner or later, you're gonna have to go out there and meet someone!"

You rolled your eyes, trying not to smile. "I'll take the later choice," you answered over the sound of cars passing by and shop owners shutting their doors to close down for the night. "I'm twenty-two. I have plenty of time before I wanna hop in bed with anyone."

Your friend scoffed while still walking down the sidewalk that was only lit by small businesses and a few nearby road lights. "That's not what I was implying," she tried to clarify. You smirked, thinking that her statement of thigh-high heeled boots, ripped jean shorts, a cropped top, and hoop earrings that nearly touched her shoulders said otherwise. "But it is March. Graduation is in two months," she noted. "Next thing you know, you're gonna be on your own in the real world."

"I'll just throw myself in my work," you defended. "I'll have a relationship with my new degree."

Your friend group headed around the corner toward your university campus. After an evening of celebration with your lab partners of the acing of your most recent exam, you all made your way back to your living-quarters. You were careful to keep up and not stumble from the few drinks you had on top of your dinner that left your belly warm and full.

"Leave (Y/n) alone," your male friend pitched in. "Let her live her life. You should always learn to love yourself before loving anyone else." He flicked his wrist dramatically enough to let his fluffy blonde hair flip, making you giggle. At the beginning of the quarter when he joined your lab group, you had actually found his humor and expressive charm as a potential personal interest. Just when you planned to remain single for a while, you had thought you may have actually found the one. But shortly afterward, you discovered that his boyfriend probably wouldn't have appreciated that. Back to square one, it was then.

"I'm just trying to be encouraging," your first lab partner reassured. You listened to the clicking of her velvet stiletto boots for a few more blocks until the three of you exited the main streets and came upon the on-campus apartment complexes.

Once in front of the buildings, your second friend whipped out his phone and flashed his lock screen to himself. The male then cursed under his breath in surprise of the time. "It's nearly two A.M.," he pointed out, slipping the electronic back into his pocket. "I should probably go before the roommate starts blowing up my phone for my location."

You and the girl at your side exchanged looks and chuckled. You two then bid him goodbye with a few tender embraces before letting him hurry back to his apartment where his partner was most likely waiting. 

Afterward, your first friend turned to you. A distant streetlight bounced off the shimmery highlight from her upper-cheek of her glowy chocolate skin. "Hey," she smiled brightly. "It's only Friday night. Wanna head back to my place for a movie and maybe some popcorn?"

You smiled back in appreciation of the offer, but you knew that no matter how much fun it sounded, you weren't ready to turn down the calm warmth option of your wide welcoming bed waiting for you after a long week of studies. You shrugged and softly shook your head, looking down. "I would, but, I think I should head back too and sleep for a good twelve hours."

Your friend tossed her head back for a good laugh, her curls moving with her. "I get it," she accepted with a grin. "I'll catch you later then."

"Catch you later." 

You two stepped forward to throw your arms around each other. After a tight embrace, you both stepped away and waved goodbye, heading off in opposite directions to your buildings in which your rooms awaited.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant