21: Deal

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To Pitch's dismay, he and you were both dragged to the North Pole amongst the others. It wasn't like they were going to let the two of you off that easy anyway. It took some arguing about whether the sleigh method or rabbit tunnels would be the best method before ultimately the next thing you knew was being pushed into a portal. No one was expecting what occurred next once you were all standing on the floor of North's workshop, looking all around at the interior of the globe room. Each of the Guardians let out a startled gasp.

Furnishings were toppled over. At least an entire state-worth of previously wrapped gifts for this later year's holiday season were now torn up in shreds. Ripped scraps of red and green wrapping paper were scattered across the wooden floors of the workshop as the toys that were once inside were also either broken apart or tossed on their sides. Snow globes as well as glass figurines and a variety of ice sculptures were also knocked down from their now empty shelves and tipped tables, laying shattered in puddles of water or piles of broken glass at your feet. Books were thrown from their designated shelves. Dark marks on the walls were stained deeply from a collection of aged dust after decades of the now destroyed furniture having rested against them. Everything that once had a place in the workshop was now lying, mostly in pieces, where you stood. The only part of the room that still stood seemingly unharmed was the massive globe of lights that bore the planet's believers.

The Guardians all were speechless, some with their hands over their mouths, as they took in the sight of the workshop entirely in ruins. Pitch could only raise a brow, crossing his arms and just barely holding back a laugh under his breath. As much as he did not want to be there, this predicament could prove as interesting. Bunny was the first to narrow his eyes at the Nightmare King.

"You did this," the pooka spat. Pitch scoffed in return.

"How could I have done this when I was just back there with all of you?!" He extended an arm to gesture to the whole of the room.

"Clearly you summoned some sort of control over what happened here, we know your power!"

You turned your head to a sight that caught the corner of your eye as Pitch and Bunny began to argue. Your brows furrowed while staring at the wall to the side, spotting more markings that differed from those that remained from bookshelves being set against the foundation. The back-and-forth banter between Pitch and the others started to fade into distant echoes as you tuned them out. Tilting your head to the side in wonder, you found yourself then making your way over from the group toward the wall.

The wide entryway where the globe room led into the main living space showed a somewhat familiar sight of dark scrapes torn through the wallpaper that appeared to represent claw marks. In the select spots around the entryway where they were located, they stretched out at a length as if one's nails had been dragged for a purposely extended amount of time to accentuate their presence. They were in sets of three - three blackened scratches through the wall where the decorative paper parted and the actual wall was tinted with the thin lines in each area that they were marked. As you stood in front of one of the few sets of clawed markings, your subconscious led you to reach out to it. When your fingertips pressed and ran lightly across the rigid indents within the wall between the paper, you felt your chest tighten with a shaken exhale as your fingernails grazed the black taint.

"They're coming for me..." the whisper was uttered under your breath before you even realized it. That's when the background chatter paused and everyone in the group behind you turned in your direction.

"What was that, (Y/n)?" Tooth asked from the middle of the Guardians. You swung around to face them as they all stared at you. You glanced over at Pitch who stood off to the side from the others, also forming a frown your way. It was when you noticed him glancing over your shoulder you were able to tell he was then seeing what you also were trying to point out. You gathered yourself the rest of the way before speaking up again.

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