34: Eggceptions

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The melted snow upon the sprouting blossoms in Bunnymund’s gardens was like dew on grass during a cool morning walk. Shades of yellows, reds, pinks, and violets all bloomed from their flowering stems scattered throughout the greenery. The mossy caves leading into the Warren were similar to Pitch’s caverns within the lair, but flourished with the rising spring and was bright with pooling sunlight from above. You headed toward the widening opening of the massive underground burrow in accordance with the directions you had been given.

Pitch was not the most fond of the idea of you giving the Guardians any more aid, but something was better than nothing to you when it came to maintaining a positive alliance. Helping Bunny prepare for the upcoming Easter was the least you could do to take minds off of more pressing matters. Last Easter as well as the past couple holiday seasons had been left untouched by the tainted hands of the fearlings, thankfully. It was the matter of keeping the Guardians’ belongings protected so they could stay focused on protecting their believers that contained the main tasks you volunteered for. You were happy to help stay on the safe side anyway. It was not like you already could sense that what the Guardians had was not what the fearlings wanted. It certainly was not like you were already expecting the Guardians to remain safe while you continued to be made an ongoing target.

“Right on time,” Bunny exclaimed to you upon your entry into the main gardens of the Warren. He stood up tall on his back legs on a rock sitting atop a flourished hill. Turning over his shoulder to see you, he began hopping down to make his way in your direction. Once he was close enough by your side is when he started leading you further into his home. “Right this way, then.”

You admired the space around you as he guided you, gazing up at the earthy above from the underground to the colorful canvas that brushed over your ankles. “I like the flowers,” you pointed out kindly. Knowing the rabbit probably held one of the biggest grudges against Pitch out of all the Guardians, you hoped at least being nice would make him think less of the fact that you were the wife of an enemy.

“You can pick a few later if ya like,” he replied, still walking a few steps ahead of you while glancing behind to make sure you were still with him. “Avoid the ones that look like those, though.”

You watched him point to a patch of flowers to your right with open crimson petals budded with bright pollinated yellow specks in the center.

“Unless you wanna inhale a pheromone or two,” Bunny continued. “In that case, keep it out of the Warren, got it?”

You did your best not to snort as you nodded. You swallowed down your held-in chuckle while the color of your now flushed face slowly returned to normal. There was an idea. Would the rabbit even notice a few flowers being gone out of the hundreds of thousands he already had? He certainly would not mind; he was the one who offered. He would not want to hear about what would occur after anyway - you already made it clear to yourself to keep the events of your wine-drunk, lip-locked twenty-fourth birthday between you and your husband. Even with no longer being able to age, these occasions still came packed with all the more reason to fool around like teenagers on a mission for rebellion. Perhaps you would have to sneak a few of those flowers for later after all.

Bunnymund resumed showing you around the area. With just over six weeks left until Easter, all of the preparations had been made to jump on top of egg making and egg painting before the send off. He spent the next several minutes giving you the basic rundown of it all from which blossoms produced the eggs, to the river and vines of color, to where the thin brushes lay for hand-painted goods. The two of you made a whole loop around the Warren before he was leading you up the hill where he had greeted you earlier.

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