39: Honesty

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You spent the entirety of Easter wasting away the daylight by pacing throughout the lair in spaces where Pitch was too far off to notice. The deep contemplation on how you were going to break the news to him put you so on edge that you were on the brink of chewing your nails off and tearing your hair out. If he could not see how worried you were all day, he could certainly sense it from the other end of the kingdom, so you knew you had to get it over with at least by the end of the night.

Lots of women would normally get their partner a card and a goodie bag with one of those “#1 Dad” mugs to capture a recording of the reveal for safekeeping later on. Others simply stuck a bread bun in the oven and called it good when laughing over their husbands not understanding the reference. But it would not be that easy in this case. The usual mortal traditions were too glittery and glorified to fit in with your significant other’s taste when the topic was rather a touchy one for him. You had to figure out a way to loosen up the jar without breaking it and reawakening some resting trauma within from his past attempt at parenthood. Not to mention how you were not about to fish out your old dead cell phone from the pond in the woods to catch anything significant. Maybe instead of stashing a certain stick of plastic from last night away someplace hidden, you should have left the result sitting around in the waste bin again for him to find so he could approach you about it and you wouldn’t have to. 

It wasn’t like you also were not already thrown for a loop. In the midst of trying to think up ways to say it to Pitch, you were still very much lost in a daze from wondering the chances of this happening. An invisible cloud sat over your head and fogged up your mind until it rained over you with further debate over how this had not been known to be possible, whether or not this was a dream even though it obviously wasn’t, and how you were going to get through the rest of it. Sure, you knew how this happened in the first place, but the next steps were not going to be as basic to understand as another biology class.

Later that evening, Pitch had found you in the throne room sitting back in your seat and zoned out before he approached. When you caught sight of him making his way up to you while adjusting his cloakings, you sat up straighter and snapped out of your dissociations. He then asked you if you were ready for the night. You narrowed your eyes, but quickly recalled your planned outing with the mares for dream-polluting. You instantly realized this was your chance.

“Um…” you began before trailing off at a loss of how to word your thoughts. Already off to a confident start. “I was actually thinking of skipping tonight.”

“Is that so?” He wondered aloud. You sat as still as a statue with the assumption that he was seeking what your alternatives would be for the night. You blinked, trying to brew up something that would give you the guts to open the can to spill. Your suggestion came out as an impulsive blurt.

“You wanna take a walk?”

Pitch eyed you for a moment. You would be lying to yourself if you attempted to convince yourself that he was not already sensing that something was off. With that familiar crinkle in his brow and a moment of hesitation, he then agreed to your suggestion.

The forest seemed more comforting at night when the two of you made it out there on the trails. Or perhaps that was the closeness of Pitch’s presence and his elongated strides kept slow to stay at your pace. There was barely an exchange of words between the two of you. In between the mostly-kept silence, one of you would make a remark about how pretty the night was or how the air breezing past your cloakings was unusually cold for spring, but not much beyond that. The usual vibrant greenery of the woods were tainted with the pale blue of the moonbeams streaming down from above. Your hands at your sides would either graze past the ashen knuckles of your partner to your right or brush the leaves of cool ferns bending down from their height at your left. You did not notice yourself getting lost in the sight of it all with the loudness of your internal thoughts blaring over your soft footsteps in the soil until the Nightmare King pulled you out of it when he spoke.

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