Chapter 8: Moonstone

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*(Y/N) POV*

The moonstone started glowing around my neck, but then it stopped. We all stood still. I didn't feel different. I looked at Wyatt, and my insides fell.

'I'm not...'

Looking down, I was holding back tears; I got my hopes up. I really thought I was a werewolf. I've never felt so beaten before.

"(Y/N), I-" Wyatt came towards me and put his hand on my shoulder.

My head snapped up as I stared at nothing; something was wrong. It was getting hard to breathe. My hands went up to my neck as my breathing became raspy.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt looked at me with concern.

I tried talking, but my voice cracked, and I started coughing. Covering my mouth and hunching over, my eyes watered. It was almost impossible to breathe. I saw Wyatt's expression become very worried as his mouth was moving, but I didn't hear him. My vision has started to blur with every beat of my heart, and my head was pounding as my brain screamed for oxygen. I was gasping for air in between my coughs. My knees became shakey as I saw this white fog being sucked from my body and into the moonstone. The more I watched, the more my body became numb; the more everything around me was a blur. Trembling, gasping for air, the only thing that wasn't blurry was Wyatt's face. He was the last thing I saw before everything went black.


*Wyatt's POV*

I quickly caught (Y/N)'s body as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and passed out. The pack started yipping with worry, whining to each other, and asking what happened. Willa and Wynter pushed them back. With (Y/N) in my arms, I bent down to the ground, laying her legs out and propped her back against my leg, my arm supporting her shoulders, her head tilted backward, limp. She was still breathing heavily; beads of sweat started to form on her forehead. I held her right hand, and it was getting hot.

"What happened?" Wynter's face expressed her worry.

"I-I don't know. She was fine a moment ago. Get some water!" I barked over at a group standing to the side, then I looked back at (Y/N), worried.

They came back with a blanket and a bowl of water, I snatched the blanket from Ralf, he flinched away. I quickly put it down and laid (Y/N) on it. I got on my knees next to her, my hands clenched into fists on my lap, my eyes darting all over her body to see what was wrong. Her moonstone was glowing a pale shade of white. Sweat was dripping from her face now, Willa put her hand to her forehead and quickly pulled it away, shocked.

"She's burning up." Willa put her hand into the bowl of water and dabbed (Y/N) forehead with it.

A wolf brought over a fan, I snatched it from them and began to fan (Y/N) with my left hand while Willa put her hand over my right fist.

"Brother, you need to calm down."

I didn't even realize how fast and heavy I was breathing. I took a deep breath and released it, still fanning (Y/N). Suddenly, (Y/N) mouth and arms twitched. I set the fan down, both Willa and I leaned closer to her to see if she was going to wake up. Instead, she started thrashing around, kicking, throwing her arms around as she screamed in pain. Her back arching, her hands flew her mouth as she kept screaming in pain. It took Willa, Wynter, and a couple of others, including me, to pin her down. She was still unconscious, but she was thrashing her head around, grunting and crying. I grabbed her head to stop her, tears were rolling down the sides of her face. My chest hurt seeing her like this. I glanced in her mouth and realized why she was in pain.

"Willa!" I was feeling a combination of excitement and fear.

Willa looked inside her mouth and gasped, "where are her teeth?!"

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