Chapter 6: The Great Alpha

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*Wyatt's POV*

Willa and I were helping the sick, Willa was passing out food while I was giving blankets out to others. Seeing them like see hurts, not just me but the entire pack, and just like the pack. I'm scared to end up like them, too weak to stand, too weak to feed ourselves. I looked at Willa, who was too busy feeding someone to notice. I refocused on what I was doing, letting a sigh out.

'(Y/N), I know you'll save us all soon.'

"Wyatt," I turned my head to look at Wynter, "the sun's almost down."

"Thank you, Wynter," I handed out the last blanket and started making my way to the edge of the forest by the open gate.

There I waited sitting down in the dirt, my back against the damaged, chain link fence as the sun is just a sliver in the sky. A cool breeze blew from behind me, which brought different odors to my nose. Some humans were cooking some delicious beef outside, it made my mouth water, I could smell a drink they call lem-O-nade, and there were some other sugary sweet smells in the air, but the scents were blending which is how I know they're coming from the same place. Somewhere out there were some wildflowers in bloom as different flowery odors blew with the breeze. Then, I caught (Y/N)'s scent, she's coming. I took a deep breath, inhaling her sweet scent as I watched the sunset, the sky was a mix of so many different colors. Orange, red, yellow, the very few clouds were a bight pink. (Y/N)'s scent grew stronger, causing the corners of my mouth to curve up.

"Pretty, isn't it?" (Y/N)'s voice came from behind me.

I turn to look at her, her (Y/E/C)*your eye color* eyes shine in the last rays of the day, as the breeze blew from behind her. Her long white hair flowed softly in the wind. As the final light of day made its way to her, her hair looked gold if only for a second. Then the sun disappeared, turning her back to the girl with white hair. (Y/N) was wearing a grey long-sleeved shirt with a burgundy vest. Her grey shirt was tucked into her dark green pants, which had several rips from the knees down. The cuts were from wear as she had grass stains around her knees. She was wearing black combat boots, a black leather belt that wrapped around her waist had chains attached, looping around the belt. She was wearing earrings that copied her belt as the looped up her ears. She pulled her hair back, holding it in her hands she pulled a hair tie off her wrist as she put her white hair into a loose ponytail so it would stop blowing in her face.

I smirked, "You're a second too early,"

Jumping to my feet, I turned around, putting my arms up to support my weight on the fence as I leaned on it. My fingers curled around the cold metal links. Staring into (Y/N)'s eyes through the fence, I smirked.

"Nah," Her cheeks darkened slightly as she looked away from me and waved her left hand in front of her face, placing the other on her hip, "the sun was just late setting."

That made me chuckle, "Whatever ya say, lil pup," I leaned back, still holding onto the fence, "ready to meet the whole pack?"

Her eyes grew wide as her mouth formed a thin line, "do what now?"

"Your eyes look too big for your head." I teased snickering.

I let go of the fence and started walking into the forest (Y/N) quickly followed. We were quiet, but the animals around talked as they were getting ready to fall asleep. Birds were chirping, and squirrels were running up and down the trees, the bugs were making some noise, a couple of tree frogs started to croak. Finally, (Y/N) broke the silence between us.

"So, what does your pack want with me?" Her eyes locked on my face, I glanced at her then back forward.

"Well, we have a prophecy." I glanced at her again, "About a great alpha who will guide our pack to our moonstone."

"Moonstone? Like your necklaces?" She tapped the stone hanging around my neck.

"Hey," I batted her hand away, playfully, "I didn't say you could touch that."

She smirked, "You didn't say I couldn't."

Snickering, I looked down at the ground, "You're clever," I looked at her in the corner of my eye, "in a dumb way."

(Y/N) scoffed and crossed her arms, "At least I try." dragging out the 'ry.'

I chuckled at her silly behavior. Still walking, she made a pop sound with her mouth, "so, why does your pack need a moonstone?"

Inhaling, I grabbed her wrist, turned towards her, and looked into her eyes. She was taken aback and even in the growing darkness. I could see her cheeks become darker shade again.

'Cute,' popped in my head.

"I'll show you." My hand slipped down her wrist to her hand as I started to run towards the den with (Y/N) in tow.

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