Sinking Into Insanity... Chapter 14: Interrupted

Start from the beginning

"Why?" she arches an eyebrow.

"Because, I want a delicious man as well, hey you want to give him to me?" I wink at Trinity and she laughs.

"I think I might love him, but for some strange reason, I can't, and I want to know why, is it something I have lost in my amnesia?"

Yup, it was Landyn, now if only I can find that dumb mofo... Trinity talks some more but I just tune her out and think of Chace. How nice it would be to win over the boy.

Blair's POV

I was alone in my room with Keith drilling questions at me.

"Can we please take a break now?" I asked again.

"No, we must run through this book until you have everything memorized," Keith pushes his glasses up his nose.

I groan and he looks at me and lets out a sigh, "Fine, but only for a few minutes."

I cheer happily and he lets out a chuckle, "I don't get how you could be failing this class, it's easy!"

"And super boring! So I don't get like half of the lectures!" I retorted. Keith rolls his eyes at me.

"Not everything has to be pleasureable to you."

"It would be nice if it was..." I breathed out and stared at my phone.

Keith glances at my phone as well, "You're expecting something from Romeo?"

I blush, "His name is Adam."

Keith's brown eyes suddenly turn as cold as steel. Keith swipes the phone from me.

"Keith!" I smack his arm but he stretches his arm way over his head so I'm forced to try harder. I lean over him and falls into his arms on the bed and he holds me close, I can hear his racing heart.


"Blair, I have liked you ever since childhood... You never once spared me a glance... All I could do is watch you get swept away by other guys and try to support you, I was always just your childhood best friend, but I want to change it."

"But Keith I-"

"I know that you like Adam, but let me continue. Since you like Adam, I will forget all my feelings for you, but just this once let me hold you close."

"O-Okay..." He snuggles his face into my neck and breathes in my scent.

"You don't understand how much I wanted to hold you like this..." Keith breathes out.

It felt so wrong, I felt as if I was betraying Adam... But this was his last wish.

He suddenly flips me over so fast his glasses clatter to the floor and he gazes into my eyes, his hands bound mines together and a sorrowful face forms on his usual arrogant face, an expression that was so foreign to me.

"I want to monopolize you, I want all of you, I want to brand you mines so no other man can take you. I want to take all of you, heart, soul and body. I need you Blair!" He pulls my shirt down to reveal my shoulder and his lips brush against it as he kisses it leaving a red mark.

Just at that moment Adam comes in at the right time. I hiss under my breath and quickly push Keith out of the way.

"Adam, please don't misunderstand," I chased after him and grabbed his arm.

"What am I not supposed to misunderstand? Am I not supposed to misunderstand that you had let him hold you even though you knew how he felt?! He's a man! They can't control their desires around the woman they love!" Adam shouted clearly frustrated. I flinched at the power of his voice, he had a crazed look of anger in his eyes, he was beyond furious.

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