Chapter 2

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Chan's life was in constant touch with unusual things thanks to his friends that would either do something dumb themselves or drag him into it. So it was no surprise that upon seeing Changbin at his motorcycle, stopping completely out of the parking space, one shoe on and some bag in mouth, looking like he was about to destroy the school with lasers - Chan could only let out a big sigh and roll with it.

"I'm not failing this shit!" Changbin yelled despite the thing in his mouth and proceeded to run to the building, not waiting for Chan.

Once he got inside he made a run to the second floor and finally stopped in front of a classroom 47. He quickly got inside and took his place, soon joined by Chan.

"So... What the hell this time?" the older tugged on the shorter's wolf ears.

"Same as always" Changbin spat out, still panting a bit and raised his hands in the air "Imma fuckin pass this class!"

"Unless our Korean teacher checks you as absent just for entertainment" Chan chuckled while taking out his computer and setting it on his table. Changbin didn't answer - he was lost in the euphoria.


"Exactly, this class was really boring!" the girl spoke up loudly.

Hyunjin had to agree that she wasn't that bad. She was polite, nice, a bit overreacting but not snotty like some other girls he had a chance to talk to. That didn't stop the boy from thinking that their exchange of words was just pointless as he didn't even remember her name after five minutes of her babbling.

They walked in the back of the school as it was a 20 minute break. The sun was shining, occasionally hiding behind white, fluffy clouds. Hyunjin smiled and closed his eyes a bit, letting the rays lay on his face. The pitches were occupied by lots of people who were also enjoying the nice weather as they ran around, talked or played with the balls stolen from the PE equipment room. The noise bothered the tall boy a bit but he's gotten used to it.

At one point when they stopped behind the building, where some of the other people were chilling out, Hyunjin looked around and spotted a group of people that caught his attention. Well mostly one of them that had only one, black shoe on and a shirt that said 'move, i'm gay' written on it. Some of the guys were vaping, sending white clouds to the sky while chuckling and talking cheerfully.

"Hey!" the girl Hyunjin's been talking to waved her hands in front of his face, making him scrunch his nose. She looked at him and then in the direction where his eyes were leading and snorted.

"Bastards" she spoke with a pitiful smile, crossing her arms.

"You know them?" Hyunjin glared at her and then back at the 'gang' that was just sent in a fit of laughter.

"I mean most people do. They usually do random shit but the guy that... Lacks in clothing is Changbin. I have no idea how he's still passing. We have some classes together - he's unbearable" she said and rolled her eyes "Whatever, let's go somewhere else."

Hyunjin darted his eyes back to the group of people, now taking in the named guy who moved a bit to the side so the taller could clearly see his side profile. He was rather short, with black hair almost touching his eyelids that hid dark eyes. The strands were mixing with fluffy, pointy ears which were black at the base but became grey and white near the top. The wrinkled shirt he had on hid a visibly, well built body which made Hyunjin feel slightly intimidated for some reason. The gou stood comfortably and looked like he had no care for anything in the world.


Most of the time Changbin wouldn't be the one attracting attention with his appearance - that was Han's job. So when only the younger spotted the older he gave him a good look from head to toe and nodded in approval.

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