Chapter 17

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(A/N - So I put this song in this chapter because one, Jack and Kayla are running through the woods, and two, there are parts in here that relate to the story, like the third verse.)

--Kayla's POV--

Jack didn't wait for me to answer. He grabbed my bloody hand and pulled me to my feet.

"There she is!"

I gasped, and Jack led me into a run.

I started crying as we ran through the trees. The police force were following us, shouting at each other and at me and Jack.

"Where are we going, Jack??" I asked.

"You'll see!" he called back. "I can't exactly say it while we got idiots following us!"

I panted as I tried to keep up. Luckily, his grip on my hand was tight.


I screamed when I felt a surging pain through my shoulder, and despite Jack's firm grip, my hand slipped from his and I fell to the ground. Dirt smeared on my clothes and skin. Blood spilled from my shoulder.

"JACK!!!!" I screamed.

--Jack's POV--

I turned around and pulled Kayla to her feet, but she couldn't stand. I picked her up bridal style and continued running.

She buried her face in my shoulder.

"Just hang in there!" I said to her. "You're gonna be okay!"

I nearly fell myself when the tails to my jacket got caught in thorny branches. I tugged, but I couldn't get off them. I kicked them with my heel.


As they pulled back, they tore the tails to my suit. Some of the fabric that had been torn off remained caught on the thorns. But I didn't care.

I continued to run.

Kayla coughed.

"Just hold on!" I said to her.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that they were gaining on us.

"Bloody hell!" I yelled.

Thick fog immediately surrounded us.

"Thanks, Whisper!" I shouted.

He hissed slightly.

I continued to run, jumping over logs and rocks and holding Kayla tightly.

Soon, we reached the hidden portal to Halloween Town. I stopped.

"Brace yourself, Kayla," I said.

She nodded, whimpering.

I jumped through the portal, and soon enough, I landed on top of Spiral Hill.

Kayla whimpered loudly.

"Sssh, ssh, ssh," I said. "You're safe, Kayla. No one will find you here. You're okay. Sssh."

She stopped whimpering, but she was still trembling. She was losing too much blood.

I ran home, glad that everyone else was sleeping.

I went into the bathroom and set Kayla down on the floor.

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