Chapter 9

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--Two weeks later...--

--Jack's POV--

"Jack! Wake up! We're going to the human world early today and I expect you to be ready! And don't pull any of that sick crap on me!"

"I'm not sick anymore, Father!" I sighed. "And how early are we talking?"

"Six o'clock!" Father yelled.

"Father, legit, I am right here," I muttered. "You don't have to yell..."

I got out of bed and got ready, then cringed at the remaining taste of the horrible medicine in the back of my throat.

I was about to leave the room when something caught my eye. I looked at the photo of my mom and me and gasped when I saw cracks in the glass.

Infuriated, I stormed downstairs.

"Father, did you break this??" I demanded.

"Yep," he said.

"Why???" I yelled. "This is the only thing I have left of her!"

"You shouldn't have anything left of her!" Father yelled back.

"I don't get it, Father!" I cried. "I don't get why you're such a...such a...jerk to me! Like, what the hell did I even do to you???"

He stormed up to me and pushed me into the glass table, and I was lucky to not hit my head on it as it fell and shattered.

I whimpered.

"You're breathing," Father grouched. "That's what you did to me. Now give me that."

He snatched the photo out of my hands and threw it in the fire.

"NO!!!" I screamed. "HOW COULD YOU???? YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!"

"No kidding!" Father said, striking me across the face.

I dodged his next blow and ran out of the house, out of Halloween Town, and into the human world. I collapsed in the graveyard, crying and shaking.

"Mom..." I whispered. "Mom..."

Then something hit me.

I was angry.

I was angry that Mom had left me.

"Why???" I cried.

If she hadn't left me, none of this would be happening.

If she hadn't left me...

--Kayla's POV--

"Slow down, slow down," Aunt Katherine, sitting in passenger seat, said.

I nodded absently. I was focused on driving and on flashbacks of my time in downtown.

After several minutes, I gasped and slammed on the breaks, but that didn't stop...


I screamed as the car behind us collided with ours, and it only stopped for a minute. A car came from the side, and it seemed like it purposefully crashed into our car.

The windows shattered, and I was cut in several places at once with the glass. I screamed in pain when a shard of glass stabbed me in the arm and got stuck there. I started crying.

Uncle Jacques and Aunt Katherine weren't making a sound.

I had time to look at both of them before two more cars joined the horrifying collision. They were both unconscious and covered in blood.

Finally, when the last car collided, I slammed my head on the door and blacked out.

--Hours later...--

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