Chapter 4

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--Jack's POV--

A week later...

I dragged my feet downstairs. I felt heavy. But I couldn't let Father see that.

I woke up the night before with a fever, and I could tell it wasn't a good one. I was hot but cold at the same time, and a second after I found a place to get comfortable, I was uncomfortable again. It was a long night. I couldn't go back to sleep.

And I still had horrible chills.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. I turned it on and placed the tip of it on my tongue.


I looked at it.


I groaned and stuck the thermometer in my jacket pocket so I could check it every now and then, as long as Father wasn't looking.

I went into the kitchen and sat down at the island.

I was hungry, but at the same time I wasn't.

"I should eat, though," I mumbled.

I grabbed a meal bar and nibbled on it. I knew I wasn't going to throw up, so this was either a cold or the flu.

"Nice to see you're up early," Father said.

"Couldn't sleep," I said, trying not to wince at the sudden headache that pierced my skull.

"Pathetic," Father said.

"It's not my fault I'm sick," I muttered under my breath.

I decided to start biting the bar, but I still took small ones.

When I was done, I threw the wrapper away.

"What is up with you?" Father demanded. "You're usually annoying the hell out of me."

"I...I'm just super tired, is all," I sighed.

And then I couldn't help but break into a violent fit of coughing. I got dizzy and stumbled back against the sink and closed my eyes.

"Sick, huh?" Father asked.

"Like you care," I said.

"No, I don't," Father said. "A king will not be stopped by sickness."

"Of course he won't," I sighed, annoyed. "You always say that kings won't be stopped by anything I do wrong, and that's basically everything."

I opened my eyes and stood up straight.

"Annoying you yet?" I asked.

"Shut the hell up," Father snapped.

I marched back up to my room and flopped down on my bed, whimpering and holding my head.

I closed my eyes, and a sudden question popped into my head.

Who is she?

This girl had been at the graveyard for the last few nights. But it was Halloween season. From what Father had told me, everyone was too scared to go to the graveyard during Halloween.

Something really urged her to go, and she'd almost spotted me several times. I was afraid she would.

What would happen then?

Whatever would happen, I needed to find out who she was and why she was there.

She seemed nice.

She didn't seem crazy.

But she did seem...



--Kayla's POV--

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