Everything Has Changed

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A/N: Yeah yeah I know another fanfic but hey when inspiration hits always take advantage. I hope y'all enjoy!

Lydia felt like she was on autopilot mode as she drove through Seattle. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she registered that she probably was not in any shape to drive, but then that wasn't the first time on this trip that the thought had crossed her mind. A flurry of emotions rushed through her head as she pulled up to Seattle Grace hospital. She reached for the door but couldn't seem to open it. The brunette glanced at the time. Four o'clock. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she reached for her phone.

"Lydia?" A familiar voice answered her call. "Where are you?" Suddenly, it was like Lydia had lost the ability to speak. The words stuck in her throat. "Lydia?"

Finally, the words came out. "Meredith... I'm in the parking lot. Could you... Um could you come walk with me?"


Meredith snapped her cell phone shut with a sigh as she turned to her husband. "Derek, your sister is here."

Instantly, her husband was on his feet. "She is? Oh, well I'd better go-"

Before he could finish, Meredith held up a hand, already headed to the door. "No, you stay here. She asked for me and I think today she deserves to get who she asked for."

The older Shepherd sibling's eyes widened as he let a smile slip through. "She asked for you?"

"Believe me, I think it's as bad of an idea as you do, but you should probably stay with Mark anyway." As Meredith rounded the corner to go find his sister, Derek let out a deep sigh. This day was only going to get harder with Lydia here, but he knew he had done the right thing by calling her. He turned back to look at his best friend. Mark laid in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines. 5 o'clock was when his instructions had said to let him go, but Derek wished that they would wait longer.


Suddenly, the neurosurgeon's eyes flew to his best friend's hand. For a moment he had thought he had seen something. Just as Derek was beginning to believe the movement was just his imagination, he looked up to see Mark's eyes staring back at him.

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