VI - domino's

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Aunt Donna was out on a date.

She told me that she was gonna be late and said that I shouldn't really wait up for her.

I never really did.

It was weird, because Aunt Donna never went out on a Saturday and now I was bored.

It was only 6 o'clock.

What am I supposed to do?

I changed into my sweats, deciding that I should probably just stay home for the night and maybe order some pizza.

Aunt Donna didn't leave a lot of money and the only pizza joint cheap enough to afford here was Domino's.

Their pizza sucked. Its like chewing on rubber. I knew how unhealthy their ingredients were. Everyone did, but we all still eat it here because you know, hey, cheap pizza.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, and picked up the house phone. It was a cheap wall phone with the numbers on the holder.

It was ancient, but like I said : Cheap.

I walked to the fridge and dragged the handset with the with me. The wire attached to it stretched out across the kitchen, that it went over the table in between the fridge and

I snatched the Domino's brochure off the fridge where it was taped and walked back to the holder of the phone.

I punched in the digits and waited.

"Hello, this is Domino's. How may I assist you?" The bored teenage girl spoke through the phone.

"Hi, can I place an order?" I asked, trying be polite because that's really what we lacked in this world.

But I was totally dead inside.

"Will it be take away?" She asked.

"No, I want it delivered." I said.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, we cannot deliver today. Our delivery guys are busy."

"Oh." I shook my head in disbelief. Is she being serious?

I just want pizza. Is that so wrong?

"If you can place an order and pick it up here on your own, then we'll happily oblige." She said in a monotone.

You don't sound happy.

"Okay." I nodded, although she couldn't see me.



The girl said that I should be there in less than half an hour. So I changed out of my sweats and into something more decent.

I knew Aunt Donna left her Civic here so I just stole her keys for the night. I'd be back before she knew that I took them anyways.

I drove all the way to Domino's, which was like a ten minute drive.

The place looked stranded. It was weird because there were a lot of buildings here.

I saw that their were no motorbikes parked in their usual spot.

At least she wasn't lying. This was like the only Domino's in town, and people would order from all the way to the other side of town for this damn pizza.

One apartment building was making too much noise. I guess they were having a party.

I wouldn't be surprised if the cops showed up and shut them down anytime soon.

I parked the Civic in a vacant car parking spot and I walked in through the automatic doors.

I saw two employees behind the counter. A girl and a boy.

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