Chapter 12. The finale capture of Franz Messerschmitt

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Recap: You finished your final act of sabotage against the Iron Blood, now you are looking for a way out.

Back to present

It has been a week since you committed the final act of sabotage. Now you are looking for a Code P, but you still haven't had any luck yet.

Franz Messerschmitt: Man, this sucks if I am trapped here.

You have all of your ammo, rations, the Gewehr 43, the Mauser C96 pistol, and the S84/ 98 III bayonet with you, ready to fight to the death if anyone finds you.

Franz Messerschmitt's Thoughts: Wait a minute, I have the map on me.

Franz Messerschmitt: **pulls out the map** So the Code P should be over the mountain. Well, it sucks to be me I guess.

You continue to hike up the mountain and reach the top. You look down and see the hidden airstrip. But you also notice that something isn't right. So, you look down the scope of the Gewehr 43 and scout out the surrounding area.

Franz Messerschmitt: Something isn't right. It's a gut feeling too. Hmmmm, wait a minute. I don't remember a trench being here when I was a kid.

You look closely and see the top of a hat sticking out in the trench. 

Franz Messerschmitt: I have about 50 rounds left for the Gewehr 43. 

You survey the area and find multiple trenches near the airfield.

Mark Wayne Windle: MEME TIME!!!

Franz Messerschmitt: I should retreat.

Just you turn around and start walking, you here a gun clock behind you.

**gun clocking**

You play it off to act stupid and confuse your enemy. Once again, playing mind games with your enemy.

Iron Blood's view

Graf Zeppelin: He's noticed you hat.

Bismarck: Good, I see that he has also noticed the other trenches we've dug.

Tirpitz: He's retreating Schwester. (sister.).

Prinz Eugen: He is one of us for sure, but he also looks British.

Z-1: What now? He has already seen us.

Z-23: Lord Bismarck, Zeppy is requesting for permission to tackle him. She is in position to do so.

Bismarck: Permission granted, but take him alive, he will be trialed for everything he has done.

Z-23: Understood Lord Bismarck. Permission granted Zeppy.

Zeppy: Understood.

Graf Zeppelin: At my baby, just like her mother.

Zeppy: **clocks her flak gun and aims at you**

Your view

You are walking down the mountain, knowing that someone is still behind you with some kind of large caliber gun.

Franz Messerschmitt's Thoughts: That clock sounded heavy. Who ever it is, is wielding a large caliber gun. I know, on the count of three, throw a flash bang and pop smoke. Then make a run for it and don't look back.

You count to three and throw a flash bang and then pop smoke before finally making a run for it.

**flash bang goes off**

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