『 forteen 』

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Yeonjun kept walking while looking at the numbers above of every door, finding Soobin's room. and same goes to Soobin, finding Yeonjun's room.

every years have different buildings and floors. college have two buildings, one for 1st and 2nd year, the other one is for 3rd and 4th year. each building have stadiums and some respective rooms for neccessary school activities and for extra-curriculums. the school have also soccer field behind, beside the school canteen a covered court in the 1st and 2nd year building.

the school also have senior and junior highschool students but their buildings were separated and also the school gate and yards. for some reasons, they don't want to have some bully reports from senior and college students or some love affections. they just don't want to.

but even though the school is absolutely big, it's opposite of the fee as it's not that marvellous compared to other schools that's why Yeonjun can afford this by just paying them the amount he get from his part-time job salary and some of his savings.

he's just so glad his mother taught him to save money when he was a little kid. and now, he's using it for him to graduate. he already have plans in his pocket and all he needs to do is to wait for him to fulfill those. so he just hopes, things will get back to normal now.

finally.❞ Soobin uttered as he is now infront of the door that has number 503 above it. he firstly took a deep breath then took a peak inside. the students were now sitting in their respective chairs as the classes were about to start any minute now. luckily he came before the teacher arrives.

he was about to step his feet inside but then, he don't know where Yeonjun's seat is. there are four vacant seats. ❝i should had asked him.❞ he muttered to himself and let out a silent groan.

suddenly, a girl noticed him still standing outside the door. ❝Yeonjun-ssi!❞ he called out his name, making Soobin look to her.

and now, he don't know her name.

he just waved at the girl then walk towards her as she was signaling her hand to come inside. Soobin then bow to her, being formal, while awkwardly smiling. ❝is this where i sit?

he don't wanna ask that but he want to make sure if its really Yeonjun's seat so that he'll not sit on someone's chair.

the girl giggled at the lad's cuteness then nodded. she want to ask why he forgot his seat but she'll just pass it. she let him sit beside her first before speaking, ❝why were you absent yesterday?

a-ahh. something came up.❞ Soobin said. he don't know why he is so nervous. maybe because he's inside a fourth year class, don't know about anything or anyone here, and his anxiety rising as he know something will happen unexpted.

the girl hummed. ❝okay..❞ she uttered. she was about to ask him something again but then their professor walked inside the room, making all the students stood up and greet him respectfully.

Soobin hopes this day will end just like a blink of an eye.

415! i'm-❞ Yeonjun quickly shut his mouth by his hand. he was glad that he finally found Soobin's room and was about to get hype but he remembered what the younger said to him. be quiet and cold.

he was about to walk inside but stopped when he saw there were two vacant seats inside. the students had also now sitting in their respective chairs. and now, he don't know which one of it is Soobin's seat.

should he just wait for the other student so he'll know where his seat is? but the professor will come any minute now and he might scold him if he saw him there. well, he don't know if Soobin's professor is strict or now.

Yeonjun let out a sigh then think wisely. ❝if Soobin has a cold aura, then he'll be sitting at the back.❞ he mumbled then took a peak inside the room.

there is one vacant seat beside the window, back of the last row. he guess, maybe that is where Soobin sits.

he quietly walked towards to that seat while looking to the students who's watching him. no body greeted him. is Soobin really not that sociable? he guess, maybe he'll just stay quiet.

why aren't you here yesterday?❞ the guy infront of him suddenly turned around the time Yeonjun sat then asked that question. Yeonjun was a bit surprise that someone talked to him. he thought Soobin has no friends here.

Yeonjun shrugged, acting cold just like Soobin told him, then spoke. ❝none of your business

or maybe, there are just being friendly and Soobin is anti-social or something, he thought as he didn't saw the younger bringing his phone. it's impossible a rich kid like him don't have a phone, right?

the guy open his mouth, was about to tell something but the professor walked inside making them all stood up then greet. the professor then noticed Yeonjun, in Soobin's appearance, was greeting him also, which became odd because Soobin never treated any teacher respectfully.

shrugging, he thought maybe the lad just acting nice today.

as the students sat after greeting, their professor then started a lecture right away. lucky for Yeonjun, he already knew the lessons.

but for Soobin, having his first time in fourth year, he have no idea what their professor is talking about. and it's so unlucky for him, their lecture is about calculus, Math, the subject he hate the most. all are puzzled for him.

Yeonjun?❞ their professor then called his name making him fully alerted then stood up. his heart then started to beat faster than its normal beat as if it will gonna explode sooner. ❝sir?❞ he hopes his prof won't ask any question about what he just wrote in the board.

answer what is written on the board.

Soobin heart dropped. he don't know how he'll gonna answer, nor he don't know the answer. he want to go infront and grab the chalk then quickly answer but his feet were glued on the floor.

he then awkwardly chuckle then rub his nape. he now felt sorry for starting to ruin Yeonjun's great image. ❝i'm sorry sir, b-but i don't know how.

students then looked at him with full of curiousity written on their face. it's impossible for them that Yeonjun can't answer on the board, but then, it's Soobin in Yeonjun's appearance and they know nothing about their situation.

the professor furrowed his brows. ❝why?

i-i just don't know❞ Soobin uttered then took a bow. if that is 3rd year Math, maybe there is a possibility he can answer it.

he then looked at the girl sitting beside him, looking worried.

okay, he already knew what will gonna happen next. so unlucky..

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