『 one 』

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kicking a pebble seen on the ground, thinking that this day was the worst for soobin. firstly, one of his schoolmates accidentally spilled the juice on his pants earlier, making it look like he peed in his pants. second, he got detention for using his phone during class. his parents found out about that and just with one snap they deducted his allowance, that was the third and fourth, his phone was confiscated by the school and he'll only be able to get it after a week which his parents decided.

and now, his life will be boring without his phone.

soobin let out a sigh before twisting the door knob. darkness and silence greeted him as always. he lives alone. his parents work overseas and usually come back once or twice a year and stay for just a week.

turning the light switch on, he threw his bag somewhere around the living room, didn't care if something might be broken, and slammed his body on the couch.

he felt his body weighing heavier than this early passed hour, but he just brushed it aside. he took off his blazer and unbuttoned the three buttons on his chest. he walked to the kitchen and found something to eat, which was chips, and went back to the living room again.

if he doesn't have his phone, at least he still has a t.v to watch his favorite movies. he doesn't have any assignment for today so why not watch a movie for the whole night?

that's for today!❞ yeonjun said cheerfully while stretching his arms up after turning the sign into 'close'. he skipped towards his locker before removing his apron.

yeonjun works at a café. usually comes here at 5AM and leaves at 8AM since his classes start at 8:30 AM then come back after classes which are around 5PM.

we can say that his life is hard but this is the way he knows how to live.

you look happy.❞ his co-worker uttered, seeing the tall lad smiling brightly. yeonjun hummed and raise his brow, ❝is it odd for you?❞ he's always happy. everyone sees him smiling everyday. they always tease him to see him cry but he'll just frown for a minute and let out a laugh showing that it's funny for him even deep inside of him wanting to stab the person with a fork.

sometimes, students in his school want to bully him and to fight him but he just shrugs things off. ignoring is the best way to stop them instead of fighting back.

no. i just wish everyone are always happy like you.❞ hearing those words made yeonjun chuckle. he also wished that his happiness was true, that his smiles were not fake.

people around him always see him smiling so brightly, brighter than the sun, but they didn't know it was his way to hide his real emotions, his real self, his real feelings but no one will care though. his friends also think that yeonjun has no problems at all, truth to be told, he actually cannot take his problems anymore.

he wants to disappear here on earth but he knows he needs to fight and face the challenges. he just thinks that life is a game, if you give up, you lose. but he also knew, not all those who fight wins.

letting out a sigh, he actually doesn't want to go home but there's no other way. his body felt way heavier, thinking that he's really exhausted after a long day.

yeonjun looked at the door knob, hesitating to twist and open it, already expecting what would happen next but he had no choice. going through the window might be hard, why not just open the door and go inside. same thing will happen if he uses the door or the window.

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