18- pulling the plugs

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Ok guys it was a hard chapter to write for me...  coz English is not my language and I have to google every word I wrote here... so please comment how it was and vote for it and I have a very nasty wifi problem....

When Gulf reached Thailand he went straight to his father angry and frustrated. Slamming the door open of his father

Gulf: I thought we had a deal?

G's father: welcome back.

Gulf: how could you go back on your word... you promised me you will keep him alive. Now why are they planning to pull the plugs?

G's father: you wouldn't believe me, so go and ask Tong.

Gulf: Tong?? He wouldn't do anything that harms Mew.

G's father: nobody is harming him... it's just he was not doing well... anyway you are not gonna believe me...

Gulf: if I ever find out you were behind it....... you know what I will do!..

Gulf's father has heard lots of threats from Gulf, this was not new to him... he was on the receiving side of the insults when Gulf get mad. Any other time he would have accepted that he was the reason behind Gulf's anger but this time he genuinely didnt do anything, he doesn't want the wrath of Gulf upon him. He has seen companies destroyed just because Gulf didnt like them, he has given Gulf too much power and he has starting to regret whatever decision he made. He sighed thinking of a way to bring Gulf back on the track.

Gulf went straight to Tong's house from his father's office, he wanted to know why they accepted to pull the plug now. Parking his car near Tong's house he sat there for a second, thinking 'does he wanted to know the truth?' 'Can he handle anything that comes out of p'Tong?'. While he was lost in thoughts he saw Tong come out of his house from the corner of his eyes. 'Guess now there is no going back' he thought to himself while he got out of the car.

  Gulf last saw Tong, was a year back when he came to visit him, while he was in Japan for a business conference. Gulf looked at Tong, a small sad smile on his face with tears brimming his eyes, he went and hugged him tight, he needed reassurance that everything is gonna be okay. Tong hugged him back rubbing his back gently, seems like they both need reassurance that its gonna be okay. Once they settled inside, Gulf started aking questions

Gulf: who want to pull the plug, p', is my father behind it?

Tong: no Gulf, it was from his mother's side.

Gulf: those bastards, is it all for the money, the shares he have??? If it's the reason then I will give them money, I will give them shares in my company.

Tong looked at the heartbroken boy desperately trying to make a miracle happen.

Tong: money is not a problem anymore Gulf....  

As he thought about it, Tong cannot hold his tears anymore 

Tong: it's that for our own selfish desires we are hurting Mew *as tears flowing*, he is not strong anymore..... in last two weeks his heart stopped two time and they have to cardiovert him, you have to see him Gulf.................. he is suffering. And we are the one's that's making him suffer.

Gulf: I believe him p'.... he will come back..... how can you make the decision p'

Gulf was crying clutching the collar of Tong, he wants to know, he wants to understand, how could Tong can accept to pull the plug...

Tong: you know it's the hardest decision to make... but we dont want you to make that decision....

Gulf: we?

THE MOON IS BEAUTIFUL, isn't it?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon