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     ok guys you are free to correct me were ever I made mistakes... and also you can openly tell me if iam boring you guys with the storyline.... or my way of writing

    When Mew woke up, he was in a luxurious room.. Is it a star hotel? Was his thoughts, which was interrupted by pain all over his body, he felt weak even to think about anything. His hands were paining, he lifted it to see it was connected to IV fluids.. he was exhausted. Then he remembered what happened and why he was here.

        Kokliang who was sitting in the corner caught the movement and immediately went to his side.. "lecturer Mew you are awake?  Let me call the doctor for checkup" he pressed the calling button in the room while Mew asked "water" in his coarse voice..

      When Kokliang was giving him water, doctor arrived to check Mew. Doctor checked all his vitals and said "you are getting better, but still you will be needing some iv fluids and injections to reduce your allergic reaction. Maybe tomorrow you can be discharged". Mew gave a weak nod and closed his eyes. Kok was talking to the doctor and thanked him while the doctor left.

Kok: lecturer Mew are you awake?

Mew: yes (still his voice little coarse).. what time is it? Where am I?

Kok: sir, you had severe allergic reaction and fell unconscious.. you are in my family hospital. Dont need to worry about it. You were unconscious for 10 hrs. You need rest now, you had severe hypothermia too and dehydration...

              Mew said nothing, processing the information  while starring at the ceiling maybe the brats wont change. They would have killed him. He remembers clearly how he has stated that he was allergic to Nuts especially  ALMONDS on the first day during his introduction.

           Should he resign from the job? his thoughts were interrupted when kok spoke " sorry sir, we didn't expect this......" Mew turned to look at the boy, who was apologising sincerely, he remembered that Kokliang was the first to run to him, the boy was truly afraid, maybe there is a chance.

           Their talk was interrupted by phone call, kok was speaking to someone, it looked like emergency. He once again apologised to Mew and left the room. Mew was left alone in the room, he decided to take rest. It was almost early morning next day when Mew woke up, he felt refreshed. He looked around the room to see lots of fresh bouquets of flowers wishing him for speedy recovery... some students left notes claiming that they are sorry and didn't have any idea about the incident.

       In the Corner of the room, on the couch he saw a sleeping figure which he knew too well it's his servant boy, Tul (18yrs old). He will get an earful when he wakes up. That boy has warned Mew many times not to mess with the rich kids. The same day he was discharged, his bills were cleared by Kokliang, even though he protested he will pay his own bills the management declined it politely, he decided to take rest for another day before returning to the college.

        Mew was little late to his class he had over slept cause he felt week, though he doesn't like the excuse himself he hurried to the class half running. He dashed into someone when he opened the door of the lecture hall. When he looked up to apologise he saw who it was, it was the evil lord himself standing, looking little annoyed at first, then sad and relief. Gulf opened his mouth to say something when Mew interrupted him by raising his hand.

       "Do everyone a favour dont come to my class, I dont wanna see your face" said Mew in a cold voice that made everyone fear.. Gulf was taken back, he didn't expect Mr.Soft to be this cold. He was shocked. He doesn't deserve this which turned into anger. He slammed his fist into the door before leaving from the class. Mew looked back at him with disgust and anger, for which he received a hurt look from Gulf, which was there for fraction of a minute before replaced with same amount of anger.

   After the class got over everyone has left the class, while Mew was packing his bag he felt someone standing in front of him, he looked up to see Mild. The boy hugged him not giving him chance to speak, he was tightly hugging him as if Mew would disappear if he let him go.

       "I was afraid............. thank god you are safe" Mild said with a low voice as if he would cry any minute..  Mew felt soft for the boy, he smiled and hugged the boy back. After few minutes Mild let go of Mew and looked around sheepishly, Mew smiled and patted his head "thank you na, for worrying about me". Mild nodded and smiled back, he said his goodbye and went to Boat who was waiting for him near the door, all the while watching their interaction with little annoyance.

      When Mew left the class, he was approached by Kokliang

Mew: do you need a hug too?? (Laughing a little)

Kok: NO (turning red).

Mew: then what do you want??

Kok: can we talk.. I have something to say to you.

Mew: hmmm ok

Kok: can we go to the cafe near campus. We can talk freely there.

Mew: sure.

At the cafe

They ordered coffee for each of them and a cake.

Mew: what do you want to talk about?

Kok: it's about Gulf.

Mew: if it's about him I dont wanna hear anything.. iam leaving.. (he tried to get up)

Kok: you should hear what iam about to say before judging the situation. ( holding Mew's hand, he gave a stern look that made Mew sit back and listen)

Kok:  Gulf didn't do it. He didn't add the ALMOND in the cake. It was Trek who added it. Even we didn't know what was happening when you fell unconscious. We didn't remember you were allergic to almonds. It was Gulf who told that you were allergic when paramedics arrived.(he paused for sometime for Mew to process the information)
I have never seen Gulf this much angry in my entire life. He started a fight with Trek and his gang, he almost choked Trek to death. Trek claimed it was just a prank but Gulf didn't take it well he beat him and he is in the hospital now.

Mew: what ?? what did he do? (Getting little angry) he beat up someone to a level that they have to be hospitalised and  you guys didn't stop him.(raising his voice) What if something happened??

Kok: don't get angry on him.. Gulf wouldn't do bad things. He may be playful, arrogant or challenging, but Gulf wouldn't beat up someone who doesn't deserve it. (He breathed deeply before continuing). Last time he beat up someone it was because that person behaved inappropriate to Mild. After that, this incident... Iam telling this because Gulf doesn't deserve the cold treatment you gave him today 

It was lot of information to process for Mew. Did he wrong Gulf by sending him out? Really he remembered his allergy when everyone forgot? Why does he need to beat up a friend for a stranger like me? Is he really not bad?? But the bigger question is WHY? Why did he do it for him?

His thoughts were interrupted when Kokliang continued "also he is the one who took care of your bills, he asked me not to say to you, and he stayed with you throughout the night before I came to relieve him"......

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