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     hey guys HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.   Hope you all enjoyed your day.. I enjoyed writing this chapter. So I would like you guys to enjoy it as well. And same again feel free to correct me in grammar and also comment to me about the story🙏🙏🙏 the last chapter I wrote Is mainly for you guys to know abt the Friendship between the guys. This is a long chapter... photos posted above belong to official clubs, not mine

"Do you remember me?"   

       Gulf heard what Mew has asked, but he choose not to answer. Instead he loosened his hands from holding Mew. He hasn't forgotten him he simply choose not to remember him.

3yrs back .

         3weeks before the start of college, Gulf was sitting quietly next to his father feeling bored and irritated that he has to attend the business dinner party. He hated parties like this, because mostly the talk is about business which is a alien language to him, second his father has bought his step mother and their son Gent 8yrs old, to this particular party. He hated his father for remarrying, he hated his stepmother and the feeling was mutual. To add salt to the wound, their son has won a freaking international debate competition and his father cant stop bragging about it.

          He has compared Gulf to Gent and publicly criticized him for not getting into top university. Gulf had enough of the shit, he wanted to get out of this place, well universe was not on his side cause he have to see his own mother with the man she remarried and their son and daughter all laughing. They were entering while he was about to go out of the ballroom. His mother tried to talk to him when she saw him, all Gulf did was slammed the door shut which made loud bang that can be heard throughout the resort they are in.

      He was angry and hurt, what sin has he committed to have this life. Maybe he would have committed a huge treason to this country in his past life. His mind playing the image of his father and mother with their own happy family, his heart was painfully beating, his head throbbing, he needed to numb these pains. He tried calling his friends but no one had picked up the call. He saw a open bar and many people on the corner of the resort, It was a full moon party. That's what he needed now alcohol and strangers to forget his pain.

      Lost in his thoughts with 2nd glass of jungle juice, he looked around boring from the bar stool near counter. In his maroon shirt that fitted his body perfectly with two three loose buttons Gulf was attracting many eyes to him. But he has his eyes on one particular man, even though there is minimal lighting and disco lights he can clearly see the handsome face of the man sitting at another end of the counter. What attracted him first is the laugh that he heard he never thought that anyone can have music as their laughter, apparently he is wrong. He is the manliest man he has ever laid eyes on even though the said man is wearing all pink. His lips were the colour of just born baby's pink, his eyes has life of it's own whenever he laughs the way his eyes shink and wrinkles form around it, Gulf hated it cause at the moment he wanted to make the man laugh not someone.

        He was starring at the long neck shamelessly when someone interrupted him asking him for a dance, Gulf politely shrugged of and said he was not interested, though the said boy was cute and definitely his type, but all his attention were on someone else. But the boy was persistence and started to touch Gulf to which he became uncomfortable and tried to push the boy which was unsuccessful on his behalf. The boy was drunk and now trying to kiss him, Gulf struggled in the boys arm he wanted to punch him but someone pulled the boy from him.

  "Hey Turbo that's not your boyfriend"
Someone said and laughed, that's when Gulf turned to look at the man, the laughter that he became addicted to less than an hour ago.

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