Revelation of Remedy

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"Shobe... I'm going there tomorrow. Please tell your mother", he replied within a split second.

I was too drained to even answer and threw away my phone. I curled up on the corner of the bed, thinking if I could tell mother straight up what he did after his threats. "I don't want someone to die because of me", I told myself while feeling shortness of breath and choking from the tears welling up on my eyes. I tried to sleep, rid of the nightmare I had in this same room, no luck. "I'll be meeting up with Zairen tomorrow... I'm such a fuck up", I said while crying even more.

Eventually I became unconscious, travelled inside a dream where a shadowy figure was holding a broken mirror. The figure looked a lot like Zairen, so I approached it cautiously. It handed out the mirror to me and when I looked in the mirror, I saw Randy's facial features and his hands holding a tiny version of me. The mirror blurred out and when I expected to see myself, I saw the reflection of the girl Zairen was with when I was in second year. I saw a chubby female wearing glasses, with long hair. She had a flat nose and perfect white teeth. She had a huge forehead and a betraying aura surrounding her. When I looked to my right I saw a bright light heading towards me which led me to wake up after a sudden jerky falling feeling I had on the bed.

I saw the sun shining through my curtain and decided to send message to Zairen. "See you later", I wrote and sent to which he responded with, "I'm bringing Robin". I walked out and started to cook out breakfast. "My high school friends are coming over mom", I said while pretending everything was fine. I took a bath and after, I decided to message Edward. "We need to talk", I said while having an aching heart.

"What's up Anue?"

"You have your phone?"

"Yeah but I can only use it for a limited amount of time"

"Edward I got raped"

I said while stopping my tears. He didn't respond anymore after that. I turned off my phone and proceeded to wait for Zairen and Sahya. When they finally arrived, they rushed towards the room and Zairen gave me a big hug.  "Shobe, what happened was super serious and painful so we decided to visit you and watch a movie", he said in a calming manner while opening my laptop. He laid his arms around me and whispered to my ear, "We're having therapy sessions later".

Sahya loaded up a movie called "Bakong", an indian movie about a stolen artifact. Of course, being an indian movie, it was a bit comedic. While watching I started tearing up and lied down on the other side of the bed in hopes of them to not notice. I felt arms wrap around me and heard Zairen say, "Want to have the therapy session now?", to which I responded with a simple nod.

"Robin, I'm just going to comfort Shobs alright?", Zairen looked at Sahya. The laptop was turned off and I saw Sahya starting to doze off on the other side of the bed. "Shobe I'm only here until 4. We have two hours to talk", he explained. "Ahya my heart hurts so much, it was taken away from me... the thing I was saving for my husband was taken away... I'm not a virigin anymore", I started breaking down, crying, sobbing in his arms. He placed his hand on my head and gave me a gentle pat while hugging me. He said, "Shobs, virginity does not measure love. If you love that person, virgin or not, you'd accept the person for who he or she is. You are still a virgin because it was forcefully taken away from you and you didn't give consent".  I gave him a tight hug while felt myself lacking the ability to breathe. I felt comfort with him. "Ahya thank you for responding so quickly", I said with a smile. He gave me a hug and comforted me the best he could.

This went on for more than thirty minutes and when we were done, we both sat down. I laid down on his lap and saw him look right through my eyes. He was about to lean over, when he pushed me away from him. I looked back at him in total confusion. "Shobe don't do that. I'm sorry you suddenly reminded me of my ex. I really didn't mean to", he whispered and apologized. "I'm sorry for reminding you of that someone", I said while looking down". Suddenly I remembered the dream I had last night. "Could she be that girl I saw in my reflection?", I asked myself. We decided to take a nap until four.

I felt so peaceful while hugging Zairen. His face was so innocent and sweet, it was cute and brought a smile upon my face. When the alarm rang, both woke up. They started to fix their stuff and got ready to go home. "Shobs, you can do this", Sahya said in a reassuring manner and gave me a pat on the head. Zairen looked at me once again and gave me a hug.

I heard him whisper, looked at his mouth but it didn't move.

"Shobs, please forgive me for what I am about to do..."

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