Losing Carlton

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I remember it being the day I chose to spend time with Edward. My priority at this point was staying with him seeing as I had nothing to lose anymore. Carlton and I argued about me not doing anything in our project. That I chose to hang out with Edward was too much. I remembered him saying mean things about me and I chose to confront him.

"Carlton why are you doing this?"

"Alice, I can't fathom the both of us getting the same grade despite the fact that you spent all your time with Edward".

"Carlton, you assigned me to proofread the paper, and supply you with all the citations we need, how did I not do anything".

"I don't care if you plead, our group states you didn't do anything... I'm sorry Alice, but majority wins".

I turned my back, biting my thumb, doing my best to calm down in order to not start a physical fight in school grounds.

I looked back at him, with eyes widing out when he suddenly said,

"Alice, let's not be friends anymore, I'm so tired of your bullshit... Stop pretending you have depression, you never cut so stop..."

Those words echoing back in my head as I stare at myself intently in the mirror...

I took the blade out of my towel and stared at it. With these hellish nightmares bombarding, controlling thoughts snapping me into hypnosis with darkened vision once more,

"Do I have to cut to be depressed?"

"Is my diagnosis not good enough?"...

..."I want to end it".

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