Hanging by the Edge

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I saw a white light shining brightly against my eyes. As I look around, I saw the white sheets of a hospital bed. I heard pen scribbles to my left and when I look towards where the noise came from, I saw the school nurse writing on the school logbook for clinics. I slowly sat down, trying to remember what had happened til I heard familiar voices.

"Lisa, you're awake!", Christelle said in joy. A random punch hit me and when I looked at who did it, Jello was there. Reflexes made me blurt out, "Where is Edward?", I asked with a worried face. Jello suddenly screamed, "Stop asking where the doof is. Don't you remember how much he punched you in the head?", I can see why she is mad but I can't stop this maniacal feeling of always checking out on him. Christelle laid her hand on Jello and asked her to calm down. I suddenly looked at the clock, saw it was dismissal time. I thanked the school nurse, apologized to Christelle and Jello and ran away towards Edward's room.

Asking his classmates if they have seen him, one girl said, "He already left". This made me even more hollow and guilty. I ran towards his school bus, but it has already left. I checked my phone and saw a message, "Anue this is not my fault. It's not my fault that you couldn't handle my punches. So everything is your fault". I held my head and my heart throb in pain. It's my fault again. I'm so horrible for being so weak. I whispered, "I'm so sorry".

Going back to my room to get my bag so I can go home alone without Christelle and Jello. I felt so guilty, I didn't even explain why I left at such a rush. "I need to apologize to them through chat", I pondered. Then I suddenly remembered how much Edward doesn't like other people messaging me. It's one reason why I did almost all grouped projects alone.

I really can't handle this anymore, but I have to, until graduation at least. The realization sunk in to me and started to walk slower. When I reached the stairs to my bedroom, I started crying. "Zairen is already graduating this year...", I realized while hugging my pillow tight.

"I just became his friend once again and yet, he's already going away", this thought started to circulate my thoughts. I decided to be closer to him, realized their break time was before ours, so I adjusted when I can skip classes in order to hang out with him. I looked closely at my schedule, to my excitement, I saw my Science classes before lunchtime. Our teacher never really goes to us so it would be fine. "Even if it's just once a day of talking to him, I'll be fine with it", I thought to myself.

I started writing three weeks worth of notes so that I could skip my Science classes entirely. I messaged Edward that I would be busy, he ranted out to me, saying that they didn't have any homeworks so why was I. Having the same teacher, he was right, it is unbelievable that I'd get home works while he didn't. I told him it was family matters but, he didn't care. This made me furious and toss my phone to the other side of the room.

I started working on the notes for days without any sleep. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without Edward's bickering. It was ultimately distraction to my agenda. Him fighting me made it to the point where I started to not care. Instead, I'd just say sorry and continue writing my notes. I even worked on it in school while staying and hanging out with Edward or in my classroom during other free times.

Today I messaged Zairen in FlimBook and told him about this big school project I had to do alone. I couldn't graduate without finishing this and instead of doing this with Carlton, I was alone. He told me that we should meet up in school tomorrow during afternoon as he needed to get important papers in the office. I had a lot of other requirements piled up on me since I focused on finishing three weeks worth of notes but since it's a Saturday, I can definitely go. We said our good nights and I switched it to Edward's chat to say good night as well. He questioned,

"Why so early?"

"I need to start on this project tomorrow morning".

I never said anything about meeting up with Zairen so we ended the night peacefully.

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