I was only here for three days but I found his attic the most interesting. Especially the view. The small room only had one window and it overlooked only one house. 

I made my way to it silently, my footsteps soft and barely audible. Once there I looked over in anticipation, as expected I could see into your room perfectly, Rosalie. Your curtain's were drawn but I could hear your soft voice as you spoke.

"I'm gonna head to bed now, Mel. Glad you're doing well in summer camp. I can't wait to see you." Your voice was delicate just like your face had looked in my file. It brought a smile to my lips.

After some silence I could focus on your steady breathing. You fell asleep so quickly. I leaned my forehead against the glass window, if only I could see you sleeping.

Another voice suddenly became apparent and I focused on the male voice which seemed to come from downstairs in your house. I guessed it to be your father's.

He was whispering sweetly and muttering about how he couldn't wait to meet the person he was speaking to. He was supposed to meet her this Thursday. Interesting. 

I focused on the two sets of breathing I could hear from upstairs. They had to be coming from you and your mother, which meant your father was having an affair. This revelation brought me back to another memory of you and your father in the yard before me.

He was whispering to Miranda about ending their affair and you were watching them in a daze. The memory struck me like lightning and I remembered the naivety on your face. You didn't know her father was a cheater. 

Oh, I am going to have so much fun with you, Rosalie.

The month passed by impossibly slow. I counted down the days before I would meet you and after watching your family every night I had everything planned out, Rosalie. I was going to weed out your insecurities, make you lose your sanity and drive everyone to think you were mad and then I would kill you after you beg me to. 

Tonight your ditsy friend Melanie was taking you to this bar called Rocket's. This was my chance to meet you for the first time. I wore my favorite black coat and styled my hair back. If you were like all the other girls I've met it wouldn't take much effort to catch your attention but I wanted to make a lasting impression so I checked my appearance almost twice before leaving my house and heading to the city.

I reached before you, and leaned by the wall inconspicuously waiting for you to arrive. I lighted up a cigarette to blend in and watched as Melanie's brothers car pulled into the driveway.

The boys got out first and you were the last to exit after much persuasion from Melanie. I smiled as you started worrying about getting caught. The Melanie girl annoyed me as she fussed about your glasses and pulled out your hair tie. She was so superficial. To me you looked good either way, Rosalie.

You finally went inside and I took that as my queue as well. The two of you walked to the side of the bar away from the entrance where I stood. I watched as you fidgeted with your fingers and took a seat, you stuck out like a sore thumb among st all the other older, more confident looking girls surrounding us.

Melanie ordered drinks and she immediately started scouting for guys. I snorted softly, she was undeniably predictable. I knew for a fact she would loose interest in her nervous best friend the moment a guy approached her.

Sure enough a tall black haired boy who looked about your age approached Melanie. I heard him introduce himself as Jake and the two hit it off like a house on fire. Sadly, that left my poor Rosalie all alone. Which was perfect for me.

I made my way to the opposite side of the bar, ignoring the group of ladies who were smiling at me shamelessly and took a seat across from you. The closer I got to you, the more you reminded me of Aurora, Natalie and all the other girls I've dated. Thankfully you were just a victim and there wouldn't be time for me to find your flaws like all my previous lovers.

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Where stories live. Discover now