Chapter 5: Summer's Night Festival

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Namjoon sat there, face colored by rubies and roses, eye and mouth frozen wide in an expression of stunned surprised.

She looked elegant, beautiful, stunning, god he can't find the right words to describe her. Her hands lifted layers upon layers of hand-painted fabrics in different hues to create the peach-white color. The creamy sheets of the dress complimented her slight tanned skin and peppered her body with soft sensual kisses; it consisted of six layers of exquisite silk that ranged from silk, linen, mesh, and satin.

Even though her arms were covered with fabric embroider with flowers, her shoulders and upper part of her chest was exposed, leaving some imagination for the men and women that happens to glance her way.

Namjoon first hesitated if it was proper for the maiden to escort him to the festival because people could create nonsensical stories that could either be used against him or her.

But looking at her now... he didn't give two craps of what other people thought... he just wanted to be with her.

"Do you like it? There was a seamstress named Seojun who made this dress years ago, but never showed it to anyone until she met me, she said," (Y/N) smiled, twirling to showcase the intricate details of her clothing.

"You're—the dress..!— I uhh... dear lord I cannot speak."

"It's alright," she giggles at his flustered state. "We should take our leave... I'm sure the guests are waiting for the King of the West to make an entrance."

Namjoon nodded, agreeing to her suggestion. (Y/N) buckles her hands on the push handles of his wheelchair and stepped out of the room when the Namjoon's guards opened the door.

As they walked in silence, (Y/N) took a moment to glorify the labyrinthine decors of the castle. The floors were polished marble, scrubbed at least one to two times a week to keep its glistening appearance. Compared to the marble interior of the castle, the exterior is composed of white and gray bricks— red and brown for the garden specifically. While looking at the oil-painted family portraits of the royal family who owns this castle, they were hung in golden frames, each ornamented with distinct designs so not one would look the same.

The closer their distance towards the ballroom, the faster (Y/N)'s heart raced. This is her first party, first interaction with people other than the princes, kings, Jihyo, and Daniel who doesn't know what happened to her nor what her background was.

"I never liked any festivals or parties," Namjoon said quickly when he saw (Y/N)'s nervous face.

"Why so, your majesty?"

"People tend to lie they enjoy your company when they really don't," he flashes a warm smile to her. "They're all a bunch of people who kisses your ass so they could climb up the ranks."

"Your majesty, language please," (Y/N) laughed, her tension easing from Namjoon's consolidation.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. I no longer have the energy of meaningless forced interactions, or unnecessary conversations that doesn't interest me," he replied as he crosses his arms in a giddy manner.

"And I'm guessing I interested you because you talked to me and let me escort you to a room full of strangers that wants to kiss up your ass."

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