Chapter 28 👑

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All her life she had make decisions, some of which might be considered irrational. From the moment she laid her eyes on him in the middle of Karaye's market she fell in love with the man. As time goes on, she began to realize that his love wasn't what she yearned for but rather his wealth. It was impossible not to fall for his wealth, his good looks and power were just bonuses.

The only man that managed to steal he heart at first glance was none other than the crowned Prince of Karaye, Yerima Usman Far.

Being the Royal Vizier's daughter has its own perks. With her father's title, it was easier getting Yerima Usman to notice her. She did everything in her will to get him ranging from accidentally bumping into him or showing up at the palace to greet the Queen or bringing a gift from her mother to the Queen.

It was no surprise when Yerima fell for her. After all, she was one of the most beautiful ladies in Karaye. She had this gift in tricking people into falling for her. Without much delay afterwards, Yerima Usman and Lady Larai got married based on Islamic teachings and then she was his wife.

As time passed, her attitude towards him changed. He had no idea what caused the sudden change in his wife but he was determined to know. He did everything in his will to get her to open up to him but to no avail, she pushed him away. Once he found out that she has been lurking around with his younger brother, he stayed away from her.

Larai however realized that with Lamido she could get her more than Usman could. After all, Lamido had always been the greedy one amongst the brothers. But, she still needed Usman for insurance in case something falls apart.

She was a blessing when she came into his life. When he crossed paths with Aisha he knew what love is again after being married for 10 years to Larai. He considered Aisha to be his angel in disguise, his blessing. Things became official when he took in a second wife, one that loved him with everything and showed him what being loved and cherished felt like again.

Larai fumed with anger and jealousy. She made a promise to ruin their lives at all cost. How could a little pest like Aisha just walk into her life and claim everything that rightfully belongs to her? What more the woman just had to walk into their lives with her own stupid problems, she just had to drag everyone into her own chaos and she expects everyone to just have pity on her.

Oh look it's poor Aisha, let's all just risk our lives to save her!


That's just bullshit.

Larai vowed to get rid of Aisha. No matter what it might cost she'll do it. And she did. She managed to end two lives in her way of getting revenge even if it was after 18 years over some stupid jealousy.

And now, to silence her completely on what she already has knowledge on, she was murdered.

May her should rest in peace.


Khadijah Daihaah's POV

August 20, 2019.


A month has passed already since Ummi woke up and Umma passed away the next day. The situation was ironic really, one wakes and another dies. One thing for sure is that Umma's sudden death shook everyone to the core. And, by everyone, I meant Adda Annesah. Sure, Umma had done a lot of things, most of which Adda Anee doesn't agree with but a mother is a mother, no matter how crook.

I can remember the day vividly, once Adda received the news she froze, literally. Up until they got into a car and left for Karaye with Hermano she stayed frozen, emotionless, and almost lifeless. I didn't know when the tears fell on my face, it wasn't mostly because of Umma, but for Adda's situation.

99 Days✅ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ