Chapter 23👑

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Birthday Gift #2 🎂
I just couldn't leave like that,  here's another update!!

Birthday Gift #2 🎂 I just couldn't leave like that,  here's another update!!

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July 12 2019

Abuja, Nigeria.

Prince Aamir stood by the door and watched her figure laid on the daddumah. Just as he thought she would be here, and here she is. He can't help but feel bad knowing that he is the reason she is here rather than going back home. Her body is still covered with her hijab with the exception of her beautiful face which now seem plump from crying he suppose. He didn't want to jump into conclusions but he knew he was the reason for her to have cried and he hated that. If only there was a way for him to take all the pain she's feeling, he would in a heartbeat.

He doesn't see a reason for her to cry though; she doesn't love him so why would she be like that? Granted, he loves her more than words could explain but he can't be angry at Mr Yaqoub for having the impression he himself gave them before. What made him angry is something else; something only Hannah understands best about him.

Hannah was once more than a friend to him, and she still is but Khadijah is his intended supposed wife from the beginning and if only he knew that 5 years ago. But, even if he did know that, it wouldn't have changed how he felt towards Hannah.

The whole thing is complicated.

But after his talk with Hannah, he realized what he should do to set everything straight.

"Hannah why is it so complicated?! What should I do? I can't lose Khadijah but I also can't lose you along the way, you know that. Hannah just...what should I do?" Prince said running his fingers through his hair to mess it up even more. He placed his arms on his thighs, burying his face in his palms; something he does whenever he is confused.

Hannah could sense the desperation and fear in his tone, something only she alone ever knows about he and she hated seeing him like this. This person in front of her is the old Aamir and she knows that Aamir is long gone but why is it that because of Khadijah he is like this? Does this mean that everything she did in the past for him to move forward is now crumbling down? It can't be! She'd give up her happiness for him for she knows he deserves it.

"Aamir the only person to answer your questions is yourself. Deep down you know the right thing to do. Choose what you think is best, what you love more. For once Aamir, choose your happiness, choose to make yourself happy and stop wallowing yourself in misery of the past. I hate to see you like this and you know what, so why are you doing this to me, to us?! Aamir after everything why are you being like this?!" Tears began to sting in her eyes as she tried desperately to blink them back. She can't let them fall; she has always been the one to help him not the other way around. Yes, they both give each other listening ears and a shoulder to lean on, but this is different.

She had been there with him from the beginning, and what they shared is out of the ordinary. She was more of a sister and a mother to him for only she knows Aamir better than anyone. Only she was able to get him to open up in the darkest days and only she held that soft spot in his heart that can't be erased no matter what. Only she ever sees the vulnerable side of the Prince Muhammad Aamir El Khabir.

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