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A storm is coming. Thick thunderstorm clouds conceal the moon and blanket the sky in a pillowy ocean of gray. The scent of rain saturates the air. There's a charge in the atmosphere that sends chills down my spine.

The skeleton trees wave as the wind blows. I'm at my mother's grave. I present her with a bouquet of wildflowers and lay them against her headstone. I came here alone to say my final goodbye.

My parents gave me a gift because I've been faithfully going to my therapy sessions. It's a letter. It isn't any ordinary letter. This is a letter from my biological mother. I wanted to come here and read it to her. I know she isn't physically here but coming to her grave is symbolic for me, especially when I have her handwritten letter she wrote for me. My parents have kept this from me for twenty-eight years. I had no idea she wrote me a letter. I'm not angry at them. They gave it to me at the perfect time. I'm glad I finally have it.

I carefully unfold the fragile piece of aged notebook paper and read.

My dearest Eden,

I love you. I love you with everything within me. I'm nine months pregnant today and I've already fallen head over heels in love with you, my precious daughter. You've been growing inside of me for a long time. I've imagined what you looked like over the months. I picture you with a head full of black curls, big brown eyes, chubby cheeks, and the cutest face a mother could dream of. You are the only thing I've done right in this world. My purpose on this earth was to give birth to you. You, my darling girl, are greatness. I want you to know I'm not giving you away because I don't want you. I'm giving you up for adaption because I want the very best for you. I want to keep you more than anything but that would be selfish of me. I want to give you safety and security that I can't afford. I understand if you're angry with me. I hope in time you can forgive me. I know the price of a mother's sin is high. My penance will be my own to pay. My wish is for you to live your best life with no regrets. Never let the world dim your light, sunshine. I'm already proud of you. Be great like I know you are. Mommy loves you with all of my heart.

It's raining. I can't distinguish the raindrops from the tears on my face. The thunder shakes the ground as a blot of lighting zigzags across the turbulent sky.

I tuck the letter into my hoodie and wipe at my eyes. A dark figure appears through the trees, swinging a baseball bat. By the time I notice who it is, it's too late. Pain explodes through my head and I blackout.


My vision is blurry when I become conscious. Something is splashed across my face and my body. I choke on gasoline, retching to cough it up. My sight gradually comes into focus. I wince when my eyes focus on a clown mask an inch away from my face. This is the same mask Evan used. This is the same mask that was found in Angel's trunk. Ashely lifts the mask from her face and smiles at me. Something in her smile is terribly wrong.

"There you are," Ashely says as if relieved. "I was starting to think you were seriously hurt."

The pain in my head makes me dizzy. "What are you doing?"

Her smile widens. "Smart girls shouldn't ask silly questions. Now say cheese for the camera."

I must've passed out because I wake screaming as Ashely digs her fingers in the bloody gash in my head. She holds a handheld camera in my face. "Look how pretty she sings."

I vomit, nearly suffocating.

Ashely has to turn my head to keep me from choking on it.

"You don't look so well, Eden. You should really see a doctor."

I groan as a wave of dizziness surges through me when I try to move.

"Maybe you should stay still. Don't try to move too much. You've lost a lot of blood and that injury to your head looks awfully painful."

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