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David cuts through the tension with a loud whistle that causes everyone to go silent. "We'll have none of that tonight. This is a party, Fun is a nonnegotiable." Two of his officers dressed as zombies hand out plastic orange buckets to the guests.

"I wanted to have a party to get our minds off the negative things that has transpired. And I also thought of a way we could give back," David says. "Kids across this great nation are out tonight with their costumes and buckets, roaming neighborhoods to trick-or-treat. But there are a lot of sick children that don't have that opportunity. So tonight we're trick-or-treating for them. But we're way too old to be knocking on doors, asking for candy. And I wanted do something more thrilling than buying candy from the store. With the help of my buddies here from work, my officers have set up a treasure hunt throughout my property. This is going to be a fun night. Michael and Molly, I'm afraid you have to sit this one out. My officers have warned me that this is not for pregnant women. There's too much terror awaiting. And for everyone else, let's be on our best behavior. And without further ado, Officer Wilkinson and Officer Smith the floor is yours."

"Listen up everyone," Wilkinson says. "You're going to split into three groups. You will find a letter of the alphabet on the outside of your buckets. That letter will let you know which group you are in."

"Search for the letter on your bucket and pair up with your group members as I call the letters out," Smith says. "Group one is A through D. Group two is E through H. Group three is I through L."

We glance down at our buckets. I'm letter B. Everyone splits into different directions, trying to match their letters.

"What letter are you?" I ask Eden.


"We're together. I'm B."

She nods and looks a little relieved. "I wonder who else is in our group."

Ella stops by us. "What group is this?"

"A through D," Eden says. "Are you with us? Please say yes."

"Unfortunately, I'm K," Ella says. "I'm in the third group. Better luck next time, sister." Ella moves on and checks out David's bucket. David is already teamed up with Easton and Elizabeth. They smile and high five each other.

"Maybe Emily's in our group," she says.

But Emily and Abel group together with Danny and Alex.

"What letter are you?" Eden asks Emily.

"I'm G," she says. "I'm in group two."

That only leaves two more people. John and Ashely join us. They're C and D.

Eden frowns. "You've got to be kidding me."

John exhales but manages to smile. "I guess we're in the same group."

"Excuse us," I say, tugging Eden's hand. "I need to talk to her for a second."

John nods and Ashely smiles.

"What is it now?" Eden asks when we're in a corner alone.

"You're going to be cordial, Eden."

"I don't even know if I can around them."

"You're going to be a team player and we're going win this game for the kids," I tell her. "This is a grate cause. Don't let your ego ruin this."

"I don't keep the company of snakes. I kill them," Eden says without mirth or a teasing smile.

My forehead creases as I stare at her. "Tell me that translates to I'll try."

She shrugs.

"Can we come together for once?" John says.

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