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Emily and Abel are out and about again. They're on another date. I think it's good for Emily. She seems to genuinely like him.

Danny serenades everyone with classical piano music. He seems lost in thought as his deft fingers dance across the keys. I'm on my eighth set of sit-ups when Sandy trots over and licks my face. She lies down on top of me when I ignore her, pinning me to the floor with her heavy muscular body. She's a solid hundred pounds. My midsection is instantly crushed. She wins and seems to know it with the tilt of her head. I abandon my workout to rub her until she's belly up and flat on her back.

Alex strolls into the living room with a glass of red wine in his hand. He watches me and Sandy play. "Your fur baby won't let you have a decent workout."

"I got eight hundred in. I'm good."

His eyes are wide. "Eight hundred sit-ups?"


"You've always been disciplined."

I watch him warily, unsure of where he's going to steer this conversation. Alex can be abrasive and insensitive. His personality can be downright merciless at times. You need thick skin if you plan on coexisting with him. Otherwise you might not survive.

"I actually think Emily and Abel make a great couple. I just give her shit about it," Alex says, sitting down on the couch. "Lord knows he should understand her."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on. We're all thinking it. Emily is with someone and that someone happens to be a therapist. Their relationship works out on every end."

Sandy licks my elbow when my fingers halt in her fur, "Why are you such a negative person?"

Alex scoffs and sips his wine. "I'm not negative. It's true. I'm a little bitter and jaded. We all are. I'm just honest about it."

"Why aren't you staying with John?" I ask. "You do know he's moved back to town."

"He's been back." Alex swallows more wine, staring at me over the rim of his glass. "Eden invited me over and I wouldn't dare turndown a good invitation. So what's your plan?"

My brows furrow. "What?"

He narrows his eyes. "Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. What's your plan when it comes to Eden?"

"Let fate take its course."

He rolls his eyes. "You'd get back with her in a heartbeat."

"Why'd you ask if you already know?"

He shrugs. "I was curious. I do think you and Eden are made for each other. There's something feral and dark within the both of you. Eden tries to suppress that wild side of herself. She denies that side of herself. That's why she can't be with John. She tries over and over again. Bless her heart. It never works out. A lion can't be with a lamb." His gaze meets mine and he lifts a brow. "A predator can only be with another predator."

"Eden is free to be with whoever she wants."

"We both know that's a lie," Alex says, crossing his ankles. "She thinks she wants to be a tame little housewife but everyone knows you're the only one who could put a leash on her."

"A leash doesn't make a lion domesticated."

"That is true." He plucks at the nonexistent lint on his pants. "Here's the deal. I'm rooting for you both to get back together. Everybody cheers for the underdog and reacquainted love. Eden doesn't want John, if she did then they would've been married with half a dozen kids already. She wants what John stands for. She wants what he represents. He's stable and wholesome and a family man. Let's face it. John was born to be a husband and a father. He fits her perfect fantasy guy mold."

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