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Everyone is still in shock. The fact that anyone would think Angel had anything to do with that night is ludicrous. He has always been the hero. They can't make him the villain because it's convenient. Besides, I know the truth. I know how that mask got in Angel's trunk. I know how Evan and his accomplice were able to track Emily. Everything comes back to Ashely Baker. Ashley was the only one that knew Emily's plans. For all the world knew, I fell off the face of the planet for five years. The name and location of my hometown was not public knowledge. No one but my family knew where I was. Emily must've told Ashely that she was spending time with me in Ravenwood. And Ashley made it her priority to keep in touch with Evan, making sure he knew Emily's every move.

I glance at my clock. It's time for me to take my medication. I grab my haloperidol pill from my dresser and walk to the bathroom to flush the little tablet down the toilet. Haloperidol blocks receptors for dopamine within the central nervous system. I don't need antipsychotic drugs. I don't have psychosis. I'm willing to play along with everyone until this treatment phase is over and done with. It's better to pretend to go along with my family's plan than to rebel against it. The last thing I need is to end up in a mental intuition. Ashely would have free range if that happened.

My house is empty once again. Everyone seems to have somewhere to be nowadays. I put on a large black hoodie and dark sweatpants. After I feed and walk Sandy, I catch a cab near John parents' house. I have to tell his mother and father about Ashely since John won't listen to him. I walk up the steps to a large three story brick house with pristine white shutters. Christina opens the door, wearing a royal blue dress. A string of lustrous pearls are laced around her throat. She glances back and quickly steps out on the porch, swiftly shutting the door behind her.

"What are you doing here, Eden?"

She isn't happy to see me. It's all over her graceful face. "Can we talk?"

"I'm afraid not." She glances at the door again. "You have to leave, Eden. Ashely's here. I don't want her to see you. I love you, but you have to go."

"There's things you need to know," I say. "She doesn't truly love your son. She's using him against me."

Christina's brown eyes gaze into mine. She's seems incredibly worried. "Eden, I've known you since you were a little girl. You're such a beautiful and intelligent woman. I've never seen you this out of sorts. Let this go, sweetheart. I know it's painful but let John go."

I don't realize I'm frantically shaking my head until she hugs me. "You have to move on. I know it hurts. I know it's difficult. But you have to find a way to move on."

I'm sobbing when I turn to leave. What am I supposed to do when none of them understand? My heart is breaking. I have to find a way to protect my family.

I wonder around town and get on the town's trim out of sheer curiosity and boredom. I don't want to go home yet and soak in my failure. I stare blankly out the window. A group of rambunctious teen boys get on the trim and sit in the open seats in front of me. I throw the hood of my hoodie over my head and lean back in my seat. They don't notice me. They don't notice anyone but themselves. The teen boys talk about how they left their nice cars at home so no one could steal them because they're going to a house party on the dangerous side of town. The teens casually talk about how excited they are to score drugs. They're also scheming a plan to get the hottest girls drunk enough to fuck them.

My fists clench at their ignorance. They're going to an impoverished and neglected area to get a thrill their privilege doesn't allow them to experience. The people who actually live there aren't thrilled by the crime and drugs that plague their community. They aren't thrilled by their suffering. They aren't thrilled trying to make a life out of having lower than the bare minimum. Going to the ghetto is a field trip to these kids.

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