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Dr. Connie called me. Eden listed me as an emergency contact. She gave Dr. Connie permission to share her health records with me. Eden hasn't been to any of her appointments. She never went back to Dr. Connie. I want her to get well but she isn't following her treatment plan. Instead of getting the entire family involved, I only told Angel. We decided not to ambush her this time. We're going to dote on her today. She wants to stay home and have a pajama party. Eden wants to eat dessert for dinner. Angel and I are bringing the party to her. Angel spent the day making sweets. Mary helped me bake a triple chocolate cake that could put a horse on its back from the richness of it. We set the desserts on the table in the living room. There are cakes, cookies, brownies, and pastries. Angel helps me put giant floor pillows around the table. We surround the area with a sea of white candles, placing them on the wooden tables, countertops, and floors. Every visible surface in the living room is covered with little brilliant flames.

We sit down on the fluffy floor cushions in our silk pajamas, eating fudge brownies and chocolate croissants. Something about this gathering feels vulnerable and pure. I don't know if it's the glow of the candles or the lack of protection our pajamas provide. Or maybe it's the abundance of sweets that has triggered the innocent inner child within us all. Or maybe it's love that we're all willing to bare.

Eden places her hand on my stomach. "How's the little one?"

"Fine," I say. "The cravings are really kicking in now. Strangely this baby loves Eggos. I could eat those waffles from sun up to sun down and never tire of them."

"That's not weird," Eden says. "I was expecting strange cravings like pickles and ice cream."

Angel bites a chunk off his brownie, eyeing us. "I need to ask you girls something and I only want honesty out of you both. Do you actually think I had anything to do with Evan?"

"Of course not," Eden and I say simultaneously.

"Detective Gibson was just doing her job," I say. "We all know you have nothing to do with Evan."

He scrubs a hand over his jaw and sighs. "She accused me of loving Eden so much that I plotted to kill you and that Eden most likely would've forgiven my betrayal toward her because of her grief."

Eden frowns. "That's nonsense."

"Exactly," I say. "We know the truth, Angel. You have nothing to worry about."

He looks relieved.

Eden nibbles on a slice of chocolate cake. "I know why you're throwing this slumber party for me."

I tilt my head. "Why?"

"You both know I've missed all of my appointments. I haven't been back to Dr. Connie."

The disappointment in Angel's face is clear. "I thought we talked about this, Eden. You have to go. We agreed you would get treatment."

Eden stabs her cake with a fork. "I'll go back but you both have to hear me out first. Do you remember when I told you that I'm not who you think I am and that I've done horrible things?"

"What horrible things are you talking about?" I ask.

"Ashely," she whispers. "I ruined Ashely's life."

My curiosity gets the better of me. "How?"

"Five years ago after Ashely and I fought, it didn't stop there. After what she did to you, I wanted revenge. I looked into her family. I knew her brother Henry was a pastor and there were rumors about his sexuality. I contacted one of his friends that he was no longer close to. His name was Todd. Todd told me that they were more than friends and were in a serious relationship for a two years. Todd was bitter about the break up and joined me on my plan for revenge." Eden sets the slice of cake down. Her eyes shift between me and Angel. "Todd gave me the sex tape they had together. He left the choice up to me to decide what I wanted do with the tape. I decided to leak it on his church's jumbo screen during service. Henry committed suicide after." Tears pool in her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. "I never wanted him to kill himself. But I couldn't stop. I had this sick obsession to watch Ashely suffer. I wanted to hurt her in ways that would take a lifetime to get over. Even as she grieved her brother, I hired a private investigator to follow Ashely's father. Herbert began drinking to cope with his son's death. He also cheated with serval women. The private investigator I hired gave me proof of his infidelity. I had pictures of Herbert leaving hotels with women. There were videos of him in empty parking lots, having sex with women in his car. I sat down with Herbert and told him I planned on showing his wife the photos and videos. He said he didn't care. He encouraged me to do it. But the next morning his car was found at the bottom of a cliff. I didn't want him to die. I burned the tapes and pictures but that couldn't save Ashely's mother. She suffered a mental breakdown and the next year her body was found in her bed. She overdosed on painkillers. I am responsible for killing Ashely's entire family."

Angel's brows furrow. "What?"

"That can't be true," I say.

Eden nods. "I'm a monster. Nobody but Ashely knew. I confessed to her. I told her what I did." She wipes at her eyes. "Ashely told me she forgave me. She let me think I was forgiven for slaughtering her entire family. She let me think it was okay to start over. But she was scheming all along. What you and Angel did was karma. I deserved it. I couldn't face my punishment so I ran. While I spent five years hiding, Ashely spent five years befriending my sister and fucking my first love."

"That can't be true," I repeat, utterly distraught. "Ashely told me her brother had always been depressed. He committed suicide because of depression, not because of a pornographic video. And her father died because he was drinking and driving. Her mother died because she couldn't cope with the loss of her son and husband."

"I'm telling you the truth," Eden says. She stares at me, her gaze pleading. "Deep down you know I'm telling the truth. You just don't want to accept it."

"You're right, Eden," I shout. "I refuse to believe you could be that cruel. There's no way you're that heartless."

"None of you knew that side of me," Eden whispers. "I hid what I did to Ashely and it was wrong. I was wrong."

"That's why you think Ashely has a vendetta against you" Angel says.

Eden nods. "What I did was horrible. But at least you know the truth now."

Angel comforts her with hugs and pats. He lets her cry on his shoulder. He lets her sob with abandonment in his chest. He gives her a safe place to hurt. He gives her a safe place to fall apart.

I'm not sure how to feel if Eden really did all of those awful things. It doesn't change my love for her. It makes me want to love her more. It's past history and it's not like she murdered them with her bare hands. Suicide was their choice. It's unfortunate but it's true. I'm not saying Eden was a saint for what she did. No. What she did or believes she did is absolutely horrible. It was wrong. But Eden's my sister. The fact that this still haunts her breaks my heart.

I excuse myself to the porch. I pull my phone out and call Ashely. I need the truth.

She answers on the second ring. "Hey Emily. I was just about to call you. I narrowed the location down to three venues. I need your help choosing the perfect one."

"There's something we need to discuss first," I say, feeling guilty for ruining her wedding optimism.


"Did Eden ever sit down with you to tell you about how she leaked your brother's sex tape at church and how she hired a private investigator to catch your father's infidelity? She blames herself for the deaths of your family."

Ashely sighs into the phone. "I'm trying not to lose patience, but Eden is getting out of hand. No. None of that is true. Depression runs in my family. You know that. It's unfortunate that Eden would use the deaths of my family to justify why I supposedly want to ruin her life. It's a charade, Emily. I don't have it out for that woman. I want her to get help. That's it."

"I don't know what to do."

"Do you know she went to John parents' house, accusing me of using their son to get back at her?"

"God no."

"I love you, Emily, but I think it's best if I distance myself from you and your family. I never intended to come between you and your sister. That's not why I'm here. I wish you both nothing but the best. Call me when your sister finally gets help. You both need a lot of healing. Goodbye Emily."

I stare down at the blank screen on my phone. I hate that I'm stuck in the middle of this feud. Eden is my family and our motto is family over everything. It's our way of life. I am loyal to my sister and that has put my friendship with Ashely on the rocks. I adore both of them. I would love to have a relationship with both. But in the back of the deepest recesses of my mind, I wonder which one of them is lying. I do hope it's Ashley for Eden's sake.

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