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I wake with a sudden jolt. The moon sits high in the sky, casting a majestic silver halo. The digital clock reads four forty-four A.M. I exhale and immediately tense as my eyes catch sight of a shadow. My heart plummets to my stomach. A dark figure sits on the end of my bed. I scramble for the lipstick tube of pepper spray Frankie gave me. It's on my nightstand. A scream dies in my throat as the dark figure swiftly lurches forward and shoves a heavy hand tightly over my mouth.

"Stop your screaming, Eden, before you wake the whole house."

I kick, hit, and bite.

I'm jerked and shaken by powerful arms. I try to punch but I'm held in place by the stranger's strength that outmatches my own.

"Stop it, Eden. Stop this right now."

I nod vigorously, unable to move or speak. The voice is finally clear to me. I know this shadow at my back.

It's Angel.

He releases me and I quickly reach for the lamp, turning it on. My bedroom floods with golden light that chases the shadows away. Angel squints and blinks until his eyes come into focus.

"Why were you sitting in the dark?"

"I couldn't sleep."

We stare at each other. A strange scent tickles my nose. I rub at it and sniff toward him.

I lean away, frowning. "Why do you smell like stale cigarettes?"

He glances down at his clothes, shrugging out of his denim jacket. "I was at a bar."

"Why were you at a bar?"

He stares into my eyes intently. "Why the interrogation?"

"Because you were sitting in the dark and you're acting strange."

He laughs and it's bitter and derisive. "It's you who lied about everything and you say it's me that's acting strange." He snorts, staring off in the distance. "I should've had that drink. I sure could use it right about now."

"As if that ever solved anything." I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the headboard. "Tell me what's wrong. What happened, Angel?"

"You tell me."

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking."

His face is stony. "You're a liar."

"Why do you think that?"

He shrugs, sighing. "It's what you're good at."

My brows rise to my hairline. "Excuse me?"

His direct gaze holds mine. "You heard exactly what I said."

I can't take the distance between us even if it's a few feet apart on this bed. I slide toward him and wrap my arms around his rigid shoulders. He remains stiff as my hands stroke his broad back.

My lips skim the side of his neck. He shudders. I put my lips to his ear and whisper, "Tell me what I did so I can fix it."

His hands rub up and down the line of my spine before gently pushing me back.

I don't give in. I insert myself in his lap. I kiss his cheek. I can't tolerate Angel being angry with me. "Why are you mad at me?"

He looks away, shaking his head.

I run my fingers through his wavy hair that's nearly brushing his shoulders. I watch the soft dark strands pass through my fingers. I touch his five o' clock stubble, loving the texture of his scruff against my skin. "Tell me what I did. What did I lie about?"

Echo of a Bird's CryWhere stories live. Discover now