Start from the beginning

He tilts his head, grinning. "No shorter than paradise if you were there with me."

"I'm State side now but Eden and I will visit."

He gives me a slight nod. "I do look forward to it."

"I'm glad you checked on me but I'm fine."

He glances out the tinted windows. "When are you and Eden going to give me a grandchild? Life is good but it could be better. I get lonely when my heart is with you."

"Dad, Eden and I are just getting on the right foot again. It's probably going to take a while for us to be secure in our relationship. But when she does get pregnant, you will be the first to know."

His smile is huge. "You have your mother's eyes. Can you imagine a little girl with your eyes?"

I nod. "It'll be like a piece of Mom from heaven."

He reaches over to hug me. "You are the brightest star in my life. I love you, son."

"I love you, too, Dad."

We ride around the town until the sun sinks low in the sky. We talk about future plans and my visits to Mexico. We talk about my mother. We talk about how fortunate we are to be able to love every day. My father tells me how good business is. I try to pay attention but the constant vibration in my pocket pulls at my attention.

My phone vibrates with a text message from John.

John: I need to talk to you.

Me: Okay. What is it?

John: Not over the phone. We need to meet.

Me: Where?

John: Jim's Bar on Trade Street. Be there in fifteen.

"You have to go, don't you?" my father asks.

"Yeah. How long are you State side?"

"I leave tonight but if you need me here, here I shall stay."

"It's fine. We can hang out another time. I'll come and see you when things are better over on this side."

"As I said, I look forward to it. Where do you need me to drop you off?"

My father's chauffeur drops me off at the corner of Trade Street. I wave at the tinted windows I know my father is staring out of. I will never get used to my father and his prompt visits. A part of me loves that he cares so much. I may legally have Easton's last name but I have my father's blood pumping through me and I always will.

I pass a group of smokers as I walk into the doors of the bar. The lights are low and bluesy rock music plays softly in the background like a conversation unnoticed. John sits at a table in the shadow of the bar. He has a glass of top shelf bourbon in his hand and another across from him, waiting in front of the empty seat.

He gestures to the vacant seat. "Sit down. We have some things to discuss."

"What's so important?" I ask, sitting.

"Eden Rose Willmore." He drains his glass and a waiter is quick to replace it.

"What about her?"

He starts on his new glass of bourbon. I wonder how many he's had because he's already good and tipsy.

"Are you going to marry her?"

I stare at him, saying nothing.

He cracks a smile and hums into his glass. "Don't be such a hard nut to crack. I'm trying to break the ice here."

Echo of a Bird's CryWhere stories live. Discover now